Verge Coin

Recap of Exclusive AMA: Verge Coin x StealthEX Twitter Spaces

By StealthEX | StealthEX Blog | 13 Apr 2022

On March 28th, we had a chance to catch up on everything Verge crypto has been doing over an AMA.

Verge crypto is a decentralized open-source cryptocurrency which offers various levels of private transactions. It does this by obfuscating the IP addresses of users with Tor and by leveraging stealth transactions making it difficult to determine the geolocation of its users.

If you had missed the Twitter Spaces live session, you can always listen to the recording below:

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How to Buy Verge Coin?

Welcome to buy XVG crypto on StealthEX.

Just follow these easy steps:

  1. Choose the pair and the amount for your exchange. For example, BTC to XVG coin.
  2. Press the “Exchange” button.
  3. Provide the recipient address to which the coins will be transferred.
  4. Move your cryptocurrency for the exchange.
  5. Receive your crypto coins!

We are always ready to give you support if you have any issues with exchanging coins. Our team does our best to protect all members and answer their questions. For all requests message us via [email protected].

If you have remaining questions about the StealthEX exchange service you can go to our FAQ section and find all the necessary information there.

You are more than welcome to visit StealthEX exchange and see how fast and convenient it is.

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