Russian military LEADER threatens to LEAVE BAKHMUT if he doesn't get more ammunition

By B. Em | Stack of Sticks | 5 May 2023

 So it seems like there is a shortage of ammunition in the battlefield. Yevgeny Prigozhin who is the leader of the Wagner Group( A militarized group made up of mercenaries) appears in a video apparently telling the Russian Secretary of Defense and Commander in Chief that if he doesnt get ammunition for his soldiers then he will abandon Bakhmut. Bakhmut is a strategic piece of land for both Ukraine and Russia, even though Russia has been able to capture most of it, it remains to be seen who will have complete control of it in the coming months. 

Many people and speculators are saying this is a publicity stunt, and it could be that Russian forces are being overwhelmed and he's just trying to save face in case they do lose control of the land. This petition/statement "not getting enough ammunition" can be used as an excuse if the battle in Bakhmut is lost, meanwhile others are saying that " this could be a strategy to lure Ukraine into thinking that theyre winning so that they may throw even more troops into the battlefield" a kind of reverse pyschology strategy but it is also possible, that the attempted drone strike against the Kremlin and the" lack of response from the Russian Government" is being mistaken for weakness and in case the current government does get backlash the leader of the Wagner group can then be portrayed as a strong leader, and may rise as a potential "powerful" politician in the future. Either way heres the video:

You can also see it directly on youtube using the link below.

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B. Em
B. Em

Believer of freedom

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