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Today is another sad post, as it was the last daily quest where I still had a quest potion to use.
Since the splinterlands boom, it has also been harder to climb the ladders, which means that I already had less chests than before. However, the quest potions did make up for that. Now I will have to get used to getting very low amounts of chests once again.
I'm not complaining ofcourse, I understand why the quest potions had to be removed. Actually, they are not removed, only the option of buying them with credits. However, the price of these potions in DEC are way too high to even consider buying them now. I actually think it's weird that this has not been corrected yet.
For those of you who don't know, the average value of a reward chest is 107 DEC, which is $0.794 at the time of writing. For more information you can consult splintercards. You might feel like you always get less valuable rewards in your chests, but keep in mind that the low chances of getting something really expensive like a gold foil legendary are driving the average result value up. All that being said, the cost is 735 DEC, which is almost 7x the value, so I would recommend everyone to stay away from quest potions for the time being. If you stocked up using credits when it was still possible you can count yourself lucky though.
Anyway, enough talking, let's take a look what my last quest potion got me:
Too bad it couldn't surprise me, these are the types of rewards that I have been seeing soo much lately: Low DEC rewards, potions and the occasional common card. Oh well, we should keep in mind that both cards and DEC have become much more expensive over the last months. 6 months ago, this would have been terrible rewards, today, it's still not great, but not terrible either.
The coming of chaos legion should be very interesting and I'm looking forward to seeing how the game will evolve from there.
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