Splinterlands | Splinterlands fire divider (free to use)

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Fire thumbnail.png

It has been a while since I created a divider.

A couple of nice comments and the fact that the official splinterlands account used one of them in their social media challenge posts motivated me to create another one.

I hope you guys like it! As mentioned in the title, you are completely free to use it, credits are not required (but if you do, don't use the @ please - thanks 🙏)

Let me walk you through the proces. At the same time, you can also use one of the "unfinished" dividers if these are more to your liking.

Step 1

Use our familiar divider shape and fill te background.

Fire 1.png

Step 2

Simple, add the fire icon

Fire 2.png

Step 3

Simple, add the magic.

Fire 3.png

Step 4

The monsters and summoners enter the stage:


Let's position them nicely and tadaaa.

Fire - final.png

If you prefer the cleaner look, here is an alternative:

Fire - clean.png

Bonus: thumbnail

Somewhere along the line I accidentally created something that looked like a bit like it could work as a thumbnail. It gave me ideas to work on a clear looking thumbnail (if I find the time at some point).

However, I figured I might as-well share it already.

Death thumbnail - variant.png

That's it!

If you like these, I do have other dividers in my previous posts (might be a while ago). I also intend to create more in the future.


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