Splinterlands | Opening another chaos legion pack

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Today, the daily rewards gave me a chaos legion pack.

Always nice to find a pack during a simple daily quest.


The results aren't great, but they could be worse.

However, considering the average value of my last 20 packs, I'm not really having a lot of luck these days.

However, I did get lucky that I found a pack in the first place.

Anyway, that gold foil legendary might be in my next pack. 😇


PS: Our guild is recruiting

Acolytes of Helio and disciples of helio are recruiting.

If you are an active splinterlands player, you are active on hive and are ready to hop on our discord, you might be the person we are looking for!

Feel free to leave a comment if you are interested!

(And yes, this guild is awesome and will give you more benefits than the average guild).


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