ROD coin burn and time-lock


50 mln. ROD coins will be burned, and we'll be time-locking another 100 mln. coins

Another piece of big news, everyone! We're excited to announce our plans to burn 50 mln. ROD coins, increasing scarcity and value for all holders. Additionally, we'll be time-locking 100 mln. coins, ensuring stability and future growth.


The ROD burning and locking event will be held on Friday, August 11th, at 13:00 UTC.

After quite heated discussion, it's decided to use so-called burn address: instead of other options. That way, everyone can burn coins just by sending them to it.

The XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXarcLhe address is generated by using this tool: That way, everyone can be sure that no one knows the private key and that there's no way to guess it.

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Walter Philips
Walter Philips

Weeping Somnambulist

SpaceXpanse Multiverse
SpaceXpanse Multiverse

Next-gen trustless blockchain GameFi platform, designed for rapid creation of metaverses, immersive user experience and development of complex decentralized applications, and home of ROD - The SpaceXpanse Multiverse utility coin

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