Weekly Rambling #34

By SouthernStar71 | SouthernStar71 | 10 Aug 2024

I don't have a ton this week.

Did have a small problem getting my Ozempic prescription filled. Mostly was due to the automated service I use with Walgreens not telling me what I needed. Once I resolved that issue, it was fairly straightforward to get it filled. 

Doing a Walmart pickup order for Groceries. I tend to get enough to last me a week or longer. I tend to go through "runs" where I like certain foods. When I'm on a run, I buy those items several weeks in a row. I do start my day with a bagel. I try to keep cream cheese to go on those bagels. Then two meals throughout the day and sometimes a snack in the evening while I'm watching TV. I did get some Doritos to change up my snack.

Managed to finally score points in F1 Manager 2024. It was a good race by one driver and an OK race by the other. It would be nice to continue scoring points and finish the season 5th or 6th.


Told you not a lot to say this week. It happens sometimes. I don't BS you readers. 

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