Bindi Irwin Is Pregnant. How Are You Coping?

By CryptoSnarf | Snarf's Shenanigans | 11 Aug 2020

Bindi Irwin is a goddess, plain and simple. The entire Irwin family is a gift to humanity! 

Recently Bindi announced her engagement to her long time boyfriend. And just today they announced that they will be introducing a new baby into the world in 2021.

I am so happy for the entire family. I know Steve is looking down on them from somewhere up above. 😊

Bindi has always been a celebrity crush for me so seeing her advancing and enjoying life makes me so happy!


What're your thoughts on the situation? Do you keep up with celebrity news?

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Snarf, but with a hint of #crypto

Snarf's Shenanigans
Snarf's Shenanigans

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