5 Reasons Why Energi is Now My Coin & Why It Should Be Your Coin Too…

By Beta Syndicate | betasyndicate.eth | 26 Jul 2019



I might be new to crypto, but I know enough to see worth in any project.

I became interested in BTC back in 2008, but as life would have it, I had other priorities and crypto took a back seat for a while.

Now that I’m capable of investing and growing a portfolio, I am turning to new and emerging technology in the crypto space.

There are plenty of new coins coming out in the world of crypto and while some are uniquely different, there are still plenty of “Cookie Cutter” coins coming out that deserve to be ignored. That one indefensible reason is why I am going to explain how NRG is now my coin of choice.

As I learned more about the premise of staking, I became aware of Energi.

Staking is undeniably the new form of “mining”, changing the very way we look at obtaining coins. With that said, Energi took staking to a level, that in my opinion, surpasses all those emulating what NRG really perfected.


Not going to name names here, but it has become rather redundant when coins are produced just for the initial sale under some hyped up marketing campaign, that then leads to a dead currency with no hope for a future.

Energi on the otherhand, is uniquely different and carries with it a future of high potential gains and desirability.

Here are a few reasons why I believe Energi is worth checking into.

1. Community: This is critical when appraising a new coin as an investment opportunity.

Community is everything, but it isn’t just about the people who support Energi, it also has a ton to do with how their community is run and tended to by moderators and even the community itself.

A poorly run community is a telltale sign of a poorly run currency.

Energi’s community isn’t like that.

In fact, their community is a melting pot of many walks of life, cultures and nationalities, all under an umbrella of security and friendliness, that exudes professionalism and acceptance.

Energi’s community is well maintained by a consortium of paid professionals and volunteers that ensure their community is kept even-keeled, FUD and clutter free.

All the while, NRG provides the user with the best security and the best security professionals, probably in the crypto world. Always on guard and always there if you need them.

2. Value: Energi carries a tremendous amount of value and has a very strong and professional team working behind the scenes.

NRG has a very positive and passionate directive for its future and future use and future dependability. This is due to a constant directive of improvements, information and positivity. This is something that is lacking in many other coins, but not with NRG.

Its ranking has steadily been moving along up into the top 50 and 60 ranks on CMC and has a very favorable pattern of increasing value with its Masternode and future products, like Energi 3.0 and Energi X.

3. Future plans. Another good sign of a investment-worthy coin, is in its plan for future use.

This is where many coins fail to follow through with their hype and faulter along the lines of making money, but not making a drive for the future of their projects.

Energi has its eyes set on becoming a very powerful and useful coin for its users and stake holders. Making it a very value centered coin, based on it’s forward thinking and transparency.

3. Professionalism: Energi isn’t a group of guys working on a money making project in their mother’s basement, instead they are a highly diverse and highly driven group of professionals from many different backgrounds, all working together in unison to market, promote, grow and develop a coin that thrives on its own merits.

4. leadership: Energi’s foundation of leadership starts at the top and filters down through all aspects of the company. It’s founding partners take great pride in what they do and have built a team that produces amazing results on a very effective level.

5. Transparency: The way Energi works is out in the open and in the transparency of its goals. There isn’t any crazy hype or a poorly managed community, instead its almost flawless and effective with how it proactively addresses issues and concerns.

They are open to you the user with your questions and concerns and always willing to help.

These reasons are why I am moving towards NRG and making it my coin…

and why you should consider NRG your next investment opportunity


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Beta Syndicate
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