The smart advertising of the day

By vict0r | smart advertising | 1 Jun 2020

good morning guys

This is another starting working week, so I'd like to present you a very (mind) refreshing ad, for getting it with you on the way to work


Even I am not (anymore) a fan of sweets, when I see this on a street I couldn't stop thinking about something tasty.

Maybe is in our minds now built from decades that sweet food activates some of the most important neural centers inside our brain.

In the end, how bad could be if you take a bit of your favorite chocolate, once a month?

By the way, what do you preffer?

I like some chocolate from Lindt, Swiss Thins Dark. You put it on your tongue and wait it to melt...


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smart advertising
smart advertising

smart advertising ideas which creates emotions and maybe a smile

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