DePIN: The future of the Police

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

How long is forever? Sometimes, just one second.

Lewis Carrol – Alice in Wonderland

I get very nervous when I mention the word blockchain and people say, “oh right, Bitcoin.”

Incredibly, a revolutionary technology that solves the issue of intermediation in civilization for any human activity, is related only to the economy, and, in particular, to one of the issues of the economy, which is the issue of currency.

Humanity has for many centuries respected hierarchies, dreaming of the fact that someone will solve the problems that the human group has not been able to solve. Precisely, the capitalist system is a great incentive for the intermediary. It is often said with pride that “where there is a need, there is a business.” Capitalism taught us in the last 200 years that life is only about economics, that success consists of having a Lamborghini and a yacht, and that where there is a need, there is a business. In reality, it should be said “where there is a need, there is a space for an intermediary to get in.”

Then Bitcoin appeared and a huge ecosystem was created that, unfortunately, has led to the creation of a parallel Wall Street in which the masses fight to steal each other's money with the monster called DeFi, through which whales steal money from the naive who are convinced through communication on social networks that they are going to become millionaires in a couple of weeks. And there they go, handing over their savings to the whales who, by definition, make the markets and never lose.

Is that blockchain?

Luckily, there are those who think deeply, understand the profound concept of decentralization, and begin to sow the seeds of well-understood anarchy. Deformations such as "anarcho-capitalism" begin to show their contradiction in terms.

When they talk to me about Q-Day, they remind me of Y2K. You will remember that on January 1, 2000, the world was going to end, but nothing of that happened. However, the big IT companies sold billions of dollars worth of Y2K prevention software to large, medium and small businesses, which they then had to throw away. The same thing is happening with Q-Day. Why? Because few people still understand the concept of decentralization, so they are fooled by the market-making whales. There is still a tremendous underestimation of what programmers can do. The whale ecosystem “spots a need,” the naive buy, and a huge transfer of value occurs, making the corporate whales who dominate global communication and industries even richer. In addition, everything produced, including toilet paper, is now labeled AI, so most people think they are wiping their asses with smart toilet paper.

Blockchain has the ability to untangle this shit.

Can it?

In this regard, I would like to dwell on the recent emergence of a concept, which I consider a revolution in traditional thinking, which is currently called DePIN.

DePIN stands for Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks. It is a revolutionary concept in which blockchain technology and physical infrastructure converge. Unlike traditional infrastructure networks managed by centralized entities, DePIN uses decentralized governance protocols and mechanisms to ensure transparency, security and inclusiveness. Nodes are the real detectors of real needs, not the needs produced by corporate marketing. The needs of human groups are not the same in all regions of the planet, however, the “business solutions” that corporations detect are standardized so that they can produce profits for shareholders. The result is that sunscreen is produced for Norway, because that increases shareholder profitability, and then, some scientific work appears in the journal “Criticism at the forefront” informing us that the Norwegian sun is harmful to health.

The DePIN concept stems from the growing need for more efficient, transparent and user-oriented infrastructure management systems. Blockchain technology, now fully associated with cryptocurrencies and financial applications, becomes a potential “game changer” to revolutionize several sectors, including physical infrastructure, i.e. industrial technology and centralized services technology.

A DePIN platform uses a decentralized governance model, in which the interested parties (only the interested parties) participate directly (not through representatives or intermediaries) in the complex decision-making process. This ensures that the process is truly useful and transparent for those involved, not just for the intermediaries. Physical assets that are incorporated into a DePIN system (imagine for example an electrical distribution center, or a port container loading plant), are “tokenized”, allowing fractional ownership and easy transfer of assets. Interested users of the system can trade or use these tokens within the system, creating a decentralized system without intermediaries, where everything previously depended on a centralized hierarchy. These are not tokens designed to increase in value for a day or two to collect as much money as possible from naive people and run away, but real utility tokens, such as a fraction of electric energy or a fraction of a container's load. All transactions are, obviously, recorded in the ledger provided by the blockchain, which guarantees the trust and responsibility of the physical operation. DeRENs (Decentralized Renewable Energy Networks) have already been created, which are DePINs that are centralized in the energy sector. The smart contracts of the DePIN platforms automate physical processes, not financial transactions.

That is, DePIN would seem to be a natural evolution of the financial madness of the meme tokens. A DePIN structure allows for greater and more democratic participation by the users involved than a centralized hierarchical system allows. This is called inclusion. And if this were not enough, blockchain technology provides robust security mechanisms, protecting against fraud and unauthorized access to the physical asset networks it is protecting.

Every institution in capitalist civilization has the potential to operate profitably, eliminating traditional and obsolete concepts of control through centralized hierarchies.

Examples. Each of you will already have examples in mind. I will give you mine. Virtually all of our daily actions are governed by some centralized system, from the provision of water, to the distribution of food, to security, health, education and the cleanliness of the city in which we live. The migration from centralization to decentralization will take years, if not centuries. Fortunately, the germ of ideas is beginning to be sown. Unfortunately, DePIN has already fallen into the hands of Wall Street type financial speculation. There are many projects being developed on various platforms created under the DePIN label, which end up generating tokens that are only used for speculation. What I present below are real-life physical projects, which can naturally generate assets such as tradable tokens, but which would fundamentally create utility tokens to feed the projects themselves. These would be tokens that would feed the DePIN system so that decentralization is sustainable, and not to play the financial casino.



Every police vehicle, every weapon, every agent in a municipality can be tokenized, allowing fractional ownership and simple transfer of that digital property.

The record of the activity of each token (agent, weapon, mobile) can be consulted on the blockchain at all times, in all places and from any device, by anyone in the world. The activity in each place of the municipality is known in real time, since each device connected to the network transmits the transaction to the blockchain of the police DePIN system. Each token can be identified and also its activity. Each user can know the activity of each token and influence by suggesting the necessary activities in the next hours, according to the criminal activities of each area. The decision-making process would be more democratic and useful regarding what should be done to guarantee the reduction of crime and the increase of security, in the local area. The $POLICE token should have a limited emission. $POLICE holders can vote in the DAO on the administration of the district police system, i.e., agent salaries, expense budget, purchase of equipment and ammunition, general strategy, and the like. $POLICE token transactions serve to finance the system. Smart contracts act by distributing income, paying bills and salaries, and generating reports for the different judicial, penitentiary, and similar areas. The tokenization of this economy acts as a parallel economy to the traditional one, but managed by users who are really interested in the efficient functioning of the municipal police.

A system of this type would not need any centralized hierarchy, since decisions would be made by the set of citizens who are really concerned about the proliferation of crime, without privileges and without the possibility of corruption. They could assign by DAO consensus the mobilization of agents to some place of conflict with an efficiency that could not be achieved with a centralized system. The corruption implicit in a hierarchical police system would be virtually completely eliminated with a decentralized system. The decentralized system can eliminate security problems with the active participation of the inhabitants of a municipality, who are the real stakeholders in security. This is a highly disruptive concept of the traditional police system, which would be widely resisted by an authoritarian hierarchical government that would hardly give up control of police violence to be able to exercise it at its discretion for political reasons and economic interests. The drug trafficking collaborationist police forces would see a decentralized police system like this practically as a heresy, that would definitively destroy their sinister business.


Control of public transport

Each transport unit would be tokenized and the fractional purchase and sale of these tokens would be allowed. Each user would own a digital portion in the transport system. The token can be freely traded.

The inhabitants of the municipality, who are the users interested in the proper functioning of public transport, are the ones who direct and manage the traffic, taking it to the places where it is most needed. Each token would report in real time what it is doing, recording it in the blockchain of the municipal transport system. By purchasing the $TRANSP token, users finance the public transport system of the municipality. Breakages and malfunctions would be reported in real time and the smart contracts of the system would organize the repairs and replacements of the corresponding tokens, without the need for intermediaries. The system's workshops, through smart contracts, would report the duration of the repair and the replacement times, efficiently managing the spare parts stocks. All movement could be monitored at the same time it occurs in the blockchain of the public transport of the municipality. Users vote through a DAO, the cost of the fares and the expansion of the network. All records remain forever in the blockchain, guaranteeing transparency and totally eliminating corruption, whether from the employer or the union side. Transparency and security in a decentralized public transportation system would be much better than in a hierarchical and centralized system of traffic. But it would surely be strongly resisted by businesses woven by intermediaries who discovered hidden opportunities in the system and took advantage of them to build their businesses, making the system more expensive and slower.


Atmospheric prediction

A series of tokenized drones would roam the atmosphere taking data in real time, recording it in a blockchain. The $ATMOS token serves to finance the atmospheric prediction system, producing accurate information for the exact region in which the user who needs it is located. For example, a fisherman, for example, a farmer. The current centralized system produces general information for large geographic regions, when in reality, what is often needed is a precision of one meter. Users, by buying and selling $ATMOS, and by voting in the DAO, determine the costs of using the system, the expansion of the network, scientific research to improve the prediction, and many other related activities. A series of smart contracts manage the maintenance of the drones, the purchase of spare parts, insurance, and the renewal of the fleet to increase precision. There is no intermediary in the middle that can steal anything. Everything is done in a decentralized way, with a network of users interested in the system working according to their interests. They can vote for this without corrupt representatives.


Food distribution

Centralized food distribution chains, especially those that depend on politicians, are one of the greatest sources of corruption that homo capitalistis has invented. The generosity of the planet that produces daily the amount of food necessary so that no one, absolutely no one, dies of hunger, is intersected by capitalist vampires from the left and right who appropriate the power to “distribute” food. The result is that more than half of the planet dies of hunger. If we can rationalize the production and distribution of food through decentralized nodes that record their actions in a blockchain, the corrupt are tied hand and foot. In a municipality, the $FEED token is used to efficiently manage the intake and distribution of food, allocating it to the places where it is needed. There is no possibility of hoarding, because the corrupt cannot record their crimes in the blockchain. Everything is managed by smart contracts that decide efficiently and transparently, since anyone can consult the movements. Nothing is hidden and everything is visible. Food prices are managed by smart contracts that respond to real scarcity, not to the scarcity imposed by those who want to hoard goods to administer power over the people. The users interested in the municipality in question, the $FEED token holders, vote so that food is distributed efficiently and transparently. Each municipality is managed in the same way. By organizing the information in blockchain in a set of municipalities, a report of periodic needs is given to the producers, who are also organized in a decentralized way.


Gas and electricity distribution

We are told that it is necessary for the production and distribution of energy to be in the hands of large corporations to guarantee efficiency of scale. This is, at best, a white lie. It can only be justified if we are producing and distributing energy for large agglomerations of people, that is, for large cities, which is the sign of the times, the great instrument of capitalism to standardize the production of everything and thus achieve economies of scale. But, oh coincidence! In small towns, in remote villages, in the middle of the jungle, people find ways to generate the energy they need. Only what they need. Not one watt more. They may not have air conditioning. But they don’t need it either, just as no one needed it 100 years ago. For many, air conditioning is “progress.”

A decentralized energy system for a municipality, through an $ENERG token, would generate and distribute to where it is really needed, the energy necessary for heating, cooking and living comfortably according to communal parameters, not the parameters of urban distribution centers.

$ENERG holders decide on rates, production quantities, system administration, distribution of energy needed for each geographic region, repair of facilities, purchase of spare parts. Decentralized communal administration, which does not favor any corporation that manages rates at its discretion, is undoubtedly more efficient and transparent.


Public medical service

Before a group of people whose families today belong to the core of 3,000 richest people on the planet, who are the pride of Forbes and no one related with the health industry, invented the pharmaceutical industry, medicine was the realm of do-gooders seeking to cure the sick. Today, medicine creates pandemics and produces medicines whose main cost component is the investment in marketing to induce their use, often through these supposed do-gooders.

Fortunately, there are still plenty of doctors working in small towns curing the sick with medicines passed on to them by their grandmothers, based on nature and physical and mental well-being.

A decentralized medical system, through a DAO and a $MED token, would allow users of the municipality to create a medical record in a blockchain, the installation of the necessary instruments for the users of the municipality with the real needs of that municipality. Smart contracts would take care of the medical care calendar without intermediaries, leaving room for emergencies in all cases, in an efficient and transparent manner.

What a huge business decentralized medical systems would disrupt!


Control of microplastics in the ocean

The same inventors of the pharmaceutical industry created the greatest poison known to humanity so far: plastic. In fact, they created the pharmaceutical industry from plastic, the great derivative of oil. The water bottling industry does not sell water, it sells plastic bottles. With good marketing that teaches the flock that tap water is contaminated, bottled water is probably the best-selling product on earth. Where do water bottles end up? Right, in the ocean. Every time you buy a bottle of water, you become a potential killer of a turtle. But even if you don't kill a turtle, you can be sure that you are contaminating yourself and your family. Marine organisms of all sizes process plastic and incorporate it into their metabolisms, so when you eat a plate of delicious garlic shrimp, you are incorporating the famous microplastics into your life, small plastic particles that will bring you problems sooner or later.

With a decentralized system for controlling microplastics in certain areas, interested users could, using tokenized sensors, measure the degree of concentration of this silent poison, combat it and redistribute the fauna to move away to healthier waters. Residents, using the $VENENO token, could control the system and its maintenance in a decentralized way, voting on the management of ocean resources on each island on the planet. By refining the concept, sensors could be attached to larger animals such as whales (I'm referring to mammals, not Wall Street vampires), and microplastic monitoring could be extended to all the planet's oceans, in order to one day eradicate the concentrations of plastic poison that today form real garbage dumps in the middle of the sea.


Public education

All education should be public. Private education is a vulgar business. But well, these are the rules of capitalism: forming gears so that nothing changes and the system is maintained and strengthened. That is, so that the elites are strengthened and grow.

A decentralized municipal public system would be administered directly by the parents of students of all ages, ensuring that the education received is something more than a mere transmission of what the kings of some country did in the Middle Ages. Using the $EDU token, children’s parents could hire and pay teachers decent salaries, provide schools with teaching materials, encourage research, and keep critical thinking always on. Smart contracts would measure each student’s progress, recording the data on the blockchain. We don’t need thought control, or dark sarcasm in the classroom. But capitalism exists because there are plenty of “educated” people who defend it. Defenestrating private schools is one way to combat class division. Capitalism could not tolerate this, and that is why it extends its tentacles to education, where it forms its centralizing and hierarchical elites.




In the next future, students will study the 20th century stage of capitalism with horror. They will be concerned about regenerating the planet from the depredation caused by the corporations that dominated the planet with the sole objective of hoarding capital, more and more, and more and more, in order to have all the power, like He-Man. The only possibility they had was to establish a centralized and authoritarian system, in order to dominate the herd avoiding rebellions. In the West, this control was called “freedom.” In the rest of the planet, it was called “socialism.” Both lies were mounted on the same L0, which was the capitalist system, full of hierarchies and authorities. The same linear extractive system was used throughout the planet, regardless of the ideologies mounted to manage the anger of the passive multitudes.

The capitalist system consists of extracting things from the ground, living or dead, processing them in factories, selling them in supermarkets and shopping malls, and throwing the excess, especially the plastic packaging, into the ocean. It doesn't matter if it all explodes. The important thing is to accumulate more and more capital that we make the States print to deposit in our offshore accounts. It is clear that the only way to impose this on the masses is through an authoritarian hierarchical system in which the individuals, the true users of the products and services, can only accept what is offered to them.

In 2009 the seed of the anarchist revolution was sown, but of real anarchy, not the anarchy professed by a series of morons who pretend that everyone can do whatever they want regardless of what happens in the system in which they are living.

Anarchy is responsibility. How long is forever? Sometimes, just one second.


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Franchise & Brands veteran. Experienced business owner. I began with Bitcoin in 2011. I am maximalist of nothing. Ok, frankly speaking, I am maximalist of decentralization.

SirGerardThe1st Grimoire
SirGerardThe1st Grimoire

The book of secrets. The book of spells. The fundamentals of anarchy. Nature does not make mistakes. Tao does not fight, triumph.

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