

By Simplify Crypto | Simplify Crypto | 23 Jun 2020

Some week ago, I listened a talk about a company named STRATUM and its CEO participating in two/three YouTube lives related to crypto. So, I decided to “study” better this company.

Stratum was founded in 2017 from the need for growth and internationalization of CoinBR (CoinBR was a company in the crypto world since 2013 that searched foreign investment to expand and reach new markets). However, that year it was decided the operation between STRATUM and CoinBR were split and STRATUM being the operator of all cryptocurrency’s transactions, management and wallets, and CoinBR became a partner of STRATUM that represents the group's interests in Brazil and South Africa.

CoinBR was founded Rocelo Lopes, and now he’s the COE of Stratum. Rocelocame in 4th place in the ranking created by Cointelegraph about the most relevant personalities in the crypto world in Brazil.

STRATUM's motto is “Fork the Banks” aiming to concentrate efforts to offer customers a new alternative to traditional financial institutions always concerned with privacy, simplicity and security.

STRATUM has the following products/services:

  • SmartWallet
  • App SmartWallet
  • Operation desk (OTC)
  • Stratum Advanced Wallet



A Smart Wallet it is a multifunctional web wallet (that supports more than 14 cryptos).
In it, the user can do basic operations like buy, sell and withdraw the crypto coins.
However, it also allows, in Brazil, to pay the bills like electricity, water, phone, recharge the cell phone and other types of chargers.
A fantastic functionality it is the possibility to recharge the ATAR brand.


App SmartWallet

The App SMARTWALLET it is the same aforementioned and it’s available for ANDROID and IOS system.


This is an individualized service for customers who wish to trade large volumes of cryptocurrencies, guaranteeing liquidity and differentiated values, that is, it is what is normally called OTC.

This service it is a service that it is not at the level of everyone due to the values involved.


Stratum Advanced Wallet

This is a wallet thought to the holders.

SAW it is an exclusive mobile wallet (for Android and IOS) which has a fixed return for people using the service called Tokenback.

What is the Tokenback?

Using a comparation with the traditional financial market it is interesting for the user that holds their coins (similar to a loyalty reward) for a minimum of 30 days and a minimum of $ 100.
Currently, this option it is only available for BTC, USDT and RAS.
The percentage of return is variable depending on the cryptocurrency.

At this moment the monthly percentual of return it is:

  • BTC -> 0.25%
  • USDT -> 0.35%
  • RAS -> 2%

At the end of the hold period, the user can decide one among hree possibilities:

  1. Reinvest the initial value + the return for another 30 days period;
  2. Reinvest the initial value and receive the return in your wallet;
  3. Receive the initial amount plus the return on your wallet;

This return comes from the fact that STRATUM leases theses assets to seek profitability in a safe arena of a short term period. This is a common practice in the traditional market and widely used in the cryptocurrency industry.

STRATUM it is a solid company with several years of experience in order to bring to the crypto world financial solutions that exist the traditional financial system but with transparency, trust and security.
The tokenback functionality can be a good solution for holders that wants to have a passive income in crypto without having the risk of trading.

This is not financial advice. The purpose of this article is to share informational with the people. If you want to invest in something you should to study and decide by yourself if you want to invest on it.

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Simplify Crypto
Simplify Crypto

Trying to help people to understand the crypto world from the basic concepts to the crypto projects purpose. My articles are publish in Publish0x and Hive

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