A simple way to protect multiple content files

In our time, content is a valuable asset class. To protect values of their content, content creators and providers should use passwords to the content files. See [1-5].

Without protections, the content files can be stolen, misused, or used for criminal activities. Proliferation of AI tools to copy and modify content, significantly increases risks of such events for content creators and providers. This may damage reputations of content creators and providers.


“Remember that reputation and integrity are your most valuable assets — and can be lost in a heartbeat.”

-Charlie Munger


When the number of content files increases to hundreds, thousands, and more, content creators have the password fatigue problem (see [6] ) and look for simple ways to manage multiple passwords for multiple content files.

A simple way to password protect multiple content files and avoid the passwords fatigue problem is to use private dynamical passwords generators (DPGs).

Let us consider an example.

Helen is a content creator. She creates educational video content and offers it for subscribers. To prevent unauthorized access to her content, Helen password protects each file with a different password. She classified 500 files into five groups with 100 files in each group. For each group Helen created a list of content files with names, numbered from 1 to 100.

The first group is financial. Helen uses “financial” as a key to generate 100 different passwords with a private DPG.


For each content file, Helen chooses a password with a number corresponding to the number of the row for the file, in the list of content files.


The second group is health related. Helen uses “health” as a key to generate 100 different passwords with the private DPG. For each content file, Helen chooses a password with a number corresponding to the number of the row for the file, in the list of content files.


The third group is fitness related. Helen uses “fitness” as a key to generate 100 different passwords with the private DPG. For each content file, Helen chooses a password with a number corresponding to the number of the row for the file, in the list of content files.


The fourth group is about relations. Helen uses “relations” as a key to generate 100 different passwords with the private DPG. For each content file, Helen chooses a password with a number corresponding to the number of the row for the file, in the list of content files.


The fifth group is travel related. Helen uses “travel” as a key to generate 100 different passwords with the private DPG. For each content file, Helen chooses a password with a number corresponding to the number of the row for the file, in the list of content files.


In this way, Helen protected all 500 video files with unique, different, super strong passwords.

This method can be used by any business to protect clients/customers data/files and hospitals/clinics to protect patients data/files.

If you like this method, you can combine nice with useful by making an educational video on this topic and offer it to other content creators and providers, businesses, hospitals/clinics, schools, etc. for a small fee.



[1] https://www.avast.com/c-password-protect-file-folder-windows

[2] https://www.makeuseof.com/how-to-password-protect-files-folders-on-linux/

[3] https://mackeeper.com/blog/password-protect-files-folders-on-mac/

[4] https://www.remosoftware.com/password-protect-video-files

[5] https://linuxiac.com/peertube-6-launches-introducing-password-protection-for-videos/

[6] https://www.incognia.com/the-authentication-reference/what-is-password-fatigue



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