A simple way to create multi-factor authentication with dynamical passwords

Password-hacking attacks are on the rise


Currently used authentication is not secure and can be easily hacked.


Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) is an authentication method that requires the user to provide two or more verification factors to gain access to a resource such as an application or online account.

In this post we consider a simple way to create three factor authentication using dynamical passwords generators. (DPGs).

First we generate a password with a public DPG.





On the first login page we enter the selected sub string from the 4th password generated by the public DPG (dynpass.online).




For the second factor we use a sub string from 99th password generated by a private DPG.






On the second page (verification of the 2nd factor) we enter this sub string as the second authentication factor.




For the third factor we use a combination of sub strings from 5th password generated by the public DPG and from 100th password generated by the private DPG.


On the third page (verification of the 3rd factor) we enter this password as the third authentication factor.





If all factors/passwords are correct we pass the three factor authentication process.





Here is a video https://dynpass.online/demo/demo_mfa.mp4


A typical use case for such 3FA is when a company or organization can give an access to some accounts or data only in the case when three different persons, for example a subordinate, a manager, and a chief supervisor are present. Each person has only one factor/password required to gain the access, therefore any single or two persons can not access the account/data/resource. Only when three persons are present they can get access to the account/data/resource.



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