Texas A&M University has approved a Bitcoin class.

By Sid-crp | Sidou | 26 Jan 2023

As the awareness about Cryptocurrencies is growing up, more universities around the globe have begun to present their interest when it comes to Cryptocurrencies in general and BTC in particular as it is is a pioneering digital currency, the world is developing in a fast pace, it is changing as well, so do we have to change something in our universities ? Should we provide something new and updated for our students ? well the answer is as follow.

Texas A&M University has approved to provide a BTC lesson, the confirmation came on Thursday the 12th 2023 by Korok Ray who is an economist, and a professor at Texas A&M on the top of that he is a Founder of the Mays Innovation Research Center and the Southwest Innovation Research Lab, where he thanked Texas A&M for approving the class.



Korok Ray added that this spring he will be teaching the first ever Bitcoin class at Texas A&M, additionally he mentioned that this class will be from scratch so the students could understand the principle of Bitcoin from zero. 


Korok Ray stated that it wasn’t easy to made it, it took months in order to get this class accepted, in addition to that he pointed out that Getting Bitcoin into the curriculum is important for the long game which means that it is vital to teach nowadays BTC and give the students enough information about what is called “Digital Gold”


That is obvious that it is really important for students to have a certain amount of knowledge when it comes to Cryptocurrencies, it is vital as the demand for this sector is getting bigger and bigger day after day, we can call it a challenge but in fact it is a huge step towards the new game that we are in for us and for future generations, it is time to see the subjects from another corner and to adapt with the new environment. 

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I am Sid, a young person who works in Marketing, interested about Cryptocurrencies and blockchain, I want to begin my writing journey and I chose publish0x as my starting point.

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