Stable Coins VS CBDC Difference

By mummyrio | SIDECHAINNEWS | 2 Feb 2021

Stable coins and CBDC( Central Bank Digital Currency) are technically the same but different in some ways.



What is stable coin?

Stablecoins are cryptocurrencies designed to minimize the volatility of the price of the stablecoin, relative to some "stable" asset or basket of assets.

From this brief explanation it is clear. Stable coin is a cryptocurrency that is backed up by certain assets, both currency and other collateral assets Stable coins  priced  are usually  pegged at 1 dollar like USDT, USDC and DAI. The launch of Libra, if successful, will become a stable coin backed up by company assets. The Libra coin is pegged at 1 dollar.

What is CBDC?

A central bank digital currency (CBDC) uses a blockchain-based token to represent the digital form of a fiat currency of a particular nation (or region)

CBDC is issued by the central bank of a country. it is a substitute for fiat money in digital form. This money printing  is adjusted to the printing of banknotes. If a country has launched CBDC, citizens in the country can use the money legally as the payment system. The user data is encrypted to public views but government and central bank are able to decrypt the user data.


Differences between stable coins and CBDCs

A stable coin

1. It is not a representation of fiat in a region or country.

2. The price is pegged to a certain amount of value backed by assets and fiat.

3. Users data are encrypted to public and developers or issuers.

4. It is not accepted payment in legal formal in countries as the payment currency.

5. It is issued by a developer team.


1. It is a representation of fiat in a region or country.

2. The price is the same as the fiat currency that circulate in the country.

3. Users data are encrypted to public but central bank and government are able to unlock the data.

4. CBDC is a legal payment currency in the region or country that issue the money.

5. It is issued by central banks.


CBDCs technology use blockchain practically but the issuance is based on fiat printing. CBDC is centralized money while stable coins are decentralized though the decentralization of stable coins are not the same as the decentralization of other true cryptocurrencies like bitcoin, dash, ethereum, litecoin and other coins.







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