Roaring Kitty, the Front of WallStreetbets, is Called the Hero

By mummyrio | SIDECHAINNEWS | 4 Feb 2021

His name is not real. Roaring Kitty is a youtube name. In my investigation, his name is Keith Gill. He is about 34. He used to be a financial advisor for insurance firm in Massachusetts. He becomes so popular after his video and social media posts boosted GameStop shares.


How he made his phenomenal posts over social media and caused the pump of GameStop share price?


In 2019, he posted his investment in GameStop $56,000 reddit. His post did not get a lot of attention but earned bullying. In the following year, he continued to posts about his investment in GameStop. He continued to talk about the company in youtube, twitter and reddit. He uses the username Roaring Kitty.


Roaring Kitty is the front man of Wallstreetbet. Wallstreetbet is a reddit group that has more than four million members that shares trading tips and how to beat the old system.


WallStreetBet's followers have caused such a massive disruption to the stock market that they have attracted the attention of authorities, and even the White House.


Roaring kitty has a big influence on Wallstreetbet members. A member posted on his wallboard "IF HE IS IN WE ARE IN" His posts and videos on YouTube provide many tips for choosing profitable stock investments. He has around 16,000 followers on Twitter and 57,000 YouTube subscribers.


Wallstreetbet followers targeted Gamestop shares for pumping. They bought GameStop shares so that their activities affected the stock market and made panic buying. GameStop's stock price skyrocketed immediately. GameStop's share price is up 1,700% since early January, 2021 from $ 17.25 per share to $ 347.51.

A twitter users called him a hero.


Roaring kitty and wallstreetbets are phenomena. Their actions have taken a lot of attention. SEC also monitors their activities. It is a kind of battle between amateur traders vs old players ,wallstreetbets fans Vs Wallstreet traders. Wallstreebets will take more activities in the future after the rise of GameStop shares. Recently, the soar of dogecoin price , to some extent is influenced by the activities and push of the wallstreetbets members.









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