FREE Airdrop 40 Cerberus token and Presale for a Passive Income Gem!

By Lucapelle | ShitCoins I Like | 24 May 2021

Get in early on this farm, presale ends on the 26th May 2021!

Buy some and win some, participating at the Airdrop is free, and you will get 40 Cerberus token for free following the simple whitelisting process. All you need is a bep20 wallet adress and to follow the instruction you find clicking on this telegram link👇🏼


Great tokenomics, With burn rates of the token amongst the highest I've ever seen.

I believe It's a Fork of Phanter so the anti- whale policies wil be implemented.

What really matters is that if you get in quick you're guaranteed to make money; with 1 BNB you'll get 30000 of their token that you can start staking, May27th when the farms will open with insane APR that will go decreasing as more people will add liquidity to the pools, until then there is a real possibility to get in quick and make some profits!

So if you want to make some gains on this one get in NOW,

If you still aren't convinced check their audits they are CertiK and TechRate...You find them here☝🏽

as always not financial advice 

this is just me sharing my thoughts and strategies


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