ShapeShift DAO Partners with Top Drawer Merch to Bring ShapeShift DAO Merch to the public!

By ShapeShiftDAO | ShapeShift DAO | 11 Dec 2021

FOX DAO Bullish on Merch Store

On December, 7, the ShapeShift DAO passed a proposal that approved Top Drawer Merch to build and run the official ShapeShift Merch Store. The idea behind this partnership is to fulfill the duties of the Fox merchandise platform. Top Drawer Merch will handle all of the creation and distribution of products worldwide. Bringing the Fox Fam closer together around the globe. 

TDM will be responsible for designs, manufacturing, and logistics. In regards to the e-commerce store, 70% of the profits will go back to the DAO in the form of USDC at the end of each quarter. TDM is capable of executing at the highest level in terms of production. They have a high level of knowledge in the crypto space and will implement crypto as payment within the store, as well as NFTs. 

ShapeShift DAO will reap the benefits of a professionally managed Merchandise Store without the headache of managing it. Soon, all community members will be able to rep their favorite ShapeShift swag and become one with Fox culture.

Check out this proposal for more information!


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