The Altilly Hack

By Shakespeare17 | Shakespeare17 | 29 Dec 2020

I could list a thousand bad ass money heist films, Den of Thieves, Oceans Eleven, Thousand Miles to Graceland..  Fuckin classics.. And if your like me you sit on the edge of your chair, praying  they get away with it..  The Banks can afford to get robbed.. they been robbing every living soul on this planet since the day humans accepted the farce that their time , assets, inventions, artistry, and  hard work are somehow worth a piece a paper.. I root for the outlaws every time all the time..  at least they found the balls to take a shot at freedom... To quote the great Ronald Reagan- “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed down for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”

Thats what this was all about isn’t it??


Here Cryptocurrency is on the cusp of fulfilling what sounded to all but a few as pure insanity, Bitcoins laying a big dick middle finger pipe down on allllll the institutions that not long ago laughed at any who believed..   the only thing holding it back are the worthless individuals like the hackers who took down The Altilly Exchange..   Your not Kevin Costner, robbing a casino dressed as Elvis,  your not Ice Cubes son cooking up a mastermind plan to rob The Fed,  your just a twat that found an exploit..     If your gonna steal , find a exploit at JP Morgan,  or Goldman’s, and more importantly stop destroying people’s faith in Crypto, fuck.
I had 20$ buck in that exchange, I can’t imagine what’s goin on with those who had substantial amounts swiped..     


forgive the rant but this shits ridiculous.. m

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I honestly can’t imagine what poorly worded, grammatically inaccurate, incomprehensible ramblings I might end up writing here.. read at your own risk

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