Biswap Multi-Reward Pool - High APY above 1000%, here is chance to Earn WBNB, BSW, BUSD and BFG.

By ShadowCrypto | Shadow News | 2 Sep 2022

Biswap Multi-Reward Pool - High APY above 1000%, here is the chance to Earn WBNB, BSW, BUSD, and BFG.

The APYs are still above 1000%(at the moment of this writing), and you can join right away:



An innovative platform and with the lowest swap rates on the market, always with good updates and news, now BSW token holders have even greater benefits, don't waste time and start using Biswap today, guarantee your tokens, enjoy the various pairs of exclusive farms and pools.

What is a Multi-Reward Pool?

Multi-Reward Pool — an additional earning option for Biswap traders and BSW Holders. As you already guessed from the Pool’s name, users will get multiple rewards in different tokens, such as BSW, WBNB, and BUSD! To join the Pool and get such glorious rewards, you have to stake BSW and activate them by trading volumes. It is an exceptional chance to raise your income with profitable conditions, including:

💸Multiple tokens in return
💸High APY
💸Low entry barriers
💸Extra income for tradings

Today You still have the chance to grab this APY, but please check all the conditions to join it, watch my video so you can understand everything your need.
Be a Biswap user, Make trades, every 20$ on trading volume can activate 1 BSW on this pool.

Earn multiple tokens in the Biswap Multi-Reward Pool:

A New Highly Profitable feature with HIGH APR, last month it was over 1000%!

Last month, Dex Biswap launched a Multi Rewards Pool where it is possible to stake your BSW tokens and earn different cryptocurrencies, such as WBNB, BSW, BUSD, and BFG (at the time of recording the video), but to participate you must understand how works and understand all the details, the Multi-Reward Pool has already changed and the rewards allocated have been increased making the APR still very interesting.

Step by step Multi-Reward Pool Tutorial:

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Participate and create content for a chance to split a total of $10000 in BSW tokens.











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