I've used many sites that promised free income for life with high percentage, but then scammed in a few months. So I decided to make a list of the top 5 sites to get free interest or income on your crypto without doing nothing. And yes, you can also do them for free. Here it is, with the link for every site
1)FREEBITCOIN (4,08% apy, daily)
Famous site active from 2013. You can earn free satoshis every hour just by doing a captcha and rolling a button. If you keep a balance higher than 0.0003 btc you get interest every day, so you have also the compund effect
2)COINTIPLY (5% apy, weekly)
Cointiply is one of my favourite faucets. It pays so much compared to the other ones. You can earn watching ads and also doing offerwalls, which pay quite a lot expecially if you from the U.S. All you need to do is having more than 3.5$ in the account to receive interests every week
Hey! I'm using Cointiply to earn free Bitcoin every day, use this link to join and start earning: https://cointiply.mobi/1YJQ
Final autoclaim is a faucet with maaany ways to get free crypto. You can choose from 73 different coins and the site has an autofaucet, offerwall, ptc ads and so on.
It also offers different types of staking, with your balance in site or connecting your trust wallet/metamask. I'm currently staking SPACE token and earning 40% apy.
4)BITSTAKEN (0,78% daily)
This is a most risky site. I put only a few dollars but you can do it for free too. It has a feature called shares. You can purchase them and earn 0,78% daily for 180 days. That's a +40%. The site is similar to cryptowin which lasted for nearly three years.
5)BETFURY (30-50% apy, daily)
Betfury is a crypto casino where you can stake their native token, BFG. The tokens are not locked and you can withdraw them anytime. The beautiful thing is that the interest is given either in BFG or in 5 other cryptos including BTC and BNB. The site is paying from over 2 years now.
Hope you liked the list. If you want to have a part two let me know, I have other interesting site worth to give a look at.

Top 5 sites to get a passive yeld on your crypto
By Lazincome | Seed Coin Strategy | 6 Jul 2023
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Just a random guy approaching the large crypto-related world out there. Always searching for interesting news and strategies to grow as a person.

A place where I share my ideas and strategies while I try to get a steady income from crypto sites, either being faucets, casinos or exchanges. And I want to get it the most passive as possible. Ready to start this long journey with me?

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