Everybody talking about passive income... and the active one?

By Lazincome | Seed Coin Strategy | 6 Jan 2023

In order to get a passive income of every entity, small or large, you need some money to start. Obviously you can get that with your main job, but what if you need a small extra? There are some sites that offer quite easy money. I'm not talking about the big Bucks, but if you need a couple hunnids to invest in a project, this article may be the right one for you.

I'm referring to the so-called GPT (get paid to) sites, in which you get recompensated for doing simple actions such as filling surveys, installing and testing apps, playing games. My main go-to site of this type is surely Freecash


I came across Freecash a long time ago, but at the beginning I was sceptic, so I started using it only 2 months ago. In this time I managed to withdraw 190$, that makes 95$ per month. That's really good considering I used it 1 hour or 2 a day on average. And don't forget that I'm not from the US, the country in which the offers pay the best.

Minimum withdrawal: You can withdraw your earnings directly in crypto (Litecoin has a low minimum, only 0.50$) or with PayPal (5$).

I suggest you to give it a try: go to the website, and in the "earn" page you will find all the offers with a detailed description of what you need to do. If you need some advice I will be more than happy to help you.

If you want to support me I'd appreciate that: I'll leave my Freecash reflink here, that gives me 5% of what you earn


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Just a random guy approaching the large crypto-related world out there. Always searching for interesting news and strategies to grow as a person.

Seed Coin Strategy
Seed Coin Strategy

A place where I share my ideas and strategies while I try to get a steady income from crypto sites, either being faucets, casinos or exchanges. And I want to get it the most passive as possible. Ready to start this long journey with me?

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