Hi, its been a while since I’ve visited 0xpublish, an I really decided to go on on a crypto-rehab, especially considering the fact, that almost all of my assets were liquidated during last crash ( due to SEC so called benevolence).
That way my dream of being a crypto-millionaire sprayed out like a diarrhea…
But that fact made me to get back to real a non-digital world, and think how to dig a FIAT money, that means go to work and get real job.
Sounds preety easy, as far as a usual wagie slave jobs are considered, but I’m not very sure if it will fullfill my sophisticated lifestyle demands, like having a warm dinner or two once a week or bottle of a beer in the weekend ... or even fully payed bill - mainly electricity and water.
So as an ambitious guy I will try to find vacancies for more demanding positions ... but, unfortunately as it often happens, my ambitions doesn’t fit with my real possibilities
While looking through job offers in my profession ( power energy sector) to get a well paid possition the main requirement is Fluent in English Language (written & spoken), and its a spot where I meet obstacle.
I'm Polish, and english is not my native language, however, as I don’t find any trouble with writing or speaking in english, the people, who have to read it or listen to me will have a lot of problems with understanding me.
Luckily, I’m familiar with IT-aplications, like Google Chrome or even Internet Explorer and I can use these extraordinary skills to find my way to improve my english speaking abilities.
I googled “how to improve your English speaking skills” and found some sites, wchich contained highly useful advices:
1. Speak, speak, speak... but speak with whom? With myself ? Of course, sometimes I do things like that .. speaking to myself, especially when I’m stressed or I’ve drunk to much (whisky, vodka or beer) … but walking around the streets, talking to myself wouldn’t be looking good and it can end in an unpleasant situation for me.
Well, the best solution will be find some english speaking person or community. I’ve tried to hook some a foreign looking people on the street, but they tempted to avoid me.
Of course, I could hire a native speaker to practise english conversation, there are quite a lot of offers on the market, but at the moment I can’t afford it.
Fortunatelly, due to my IT skills, I discovered useful app like Free4Talk app, its a preety fine place, where we can create out own speaking group in order to practise any foreign language or chat abou any topic we are intrested in.
I got an idea that it will be useful for cryptocurrencies society, we can exchange our experience simultaneously practising an english speaking.
Reflect on your conversations … sometimes, I’d better not be thinking what I said before, i will avoid a selfembarassment...
- Listen and read ... I do, I even try to write …
- Record your voice ... oh no, better not... my voice definetely isn’t a ”radio friendly”
- Learn phrases rather than single words. ... got to think about it and obbey.
- Have fun … I will, or or others will have fun from me... at least, I hope that the ones, who read this post, enjoyed it.
At the end, I’d like to ask, do you have your own idea, how to improve foreign language skills - especially speaking?