Let's clean up the christmas massacre

By ouija85 | scuoladimostrithereturn | 28 Mar 2023

Tragedy! Santa has had enough.

Endless requests from greedy kids who want more and more every year, tax increases, lobbying from elven unions, utility bills, reindeer!

It is your duty as an employee of Polar Sanitation Inc to clean up the aftermath of Santa's bloody rampage.

Elves, reindeer and smashed objects are all scattered in his famous workshop following his rampage.

So puts on your cap, grabs your mop, and fix this place so the company can send a replacement here ASAP and restore Christmas for another generation!

Viscera Cleanup Detail: Santa's Rampage is a Christmas-themed expansion to the PC game Viscera Cleanup Detail.

The role of the player is to clean everything up by removing the guts and bloodstains, along with elf bodies, reindeer parts, whiskey bottles, and many other level-specific items.
Our mop is our best cleaning weapon then we throw everything into the fireplace to eliminate it.

Recommended game for splatter lovers, I enjoyed it a lot.

Alone, or together with a friend in local co-op or even online.

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