To the moon! But where is it?

By Dzoelx | Cryptocurrency Scripts | 13 Dec 2024


Oh, lol… I just remembered that Elon Musk SNL interview, screaming ‘To the moon!’ seconds after calling dogecoin a ‘hustle’. Alright, I give it to him, he is one of the richest people on earth… and one of the funniest too. Rich people are ‘funny’. Jokes apart, I’m sure you agree with me on that. He could be right, dogecoin could be a hustle or a ‘currency of the future’. Whichever one, Elon will be delighted as long as it is not ‘harmful to the environment’. I’m a lover of nature myself!

To the moon! Unarguably, it is the most popular phrase in the crypto space. Coined out of greed, screamed out of expectation, engineered to feed your FOMO and push you to click that ‘buy’ button without even doing a little research. Yeah, that’s right…zero research! A couple of tokens with the ‘inu’ suffix hit billions of dollars in market capitalization with trillions of tokens in circulation and without a functional use-case. Well, I’m certain the ‘hustle’ paid off for a good number of ‘moon boys’ who boarded the spaceship before take-off or at least before landing.

I sold off thousands of my dogecoin holdings way before it caught the blaze; that should hurt, but I’m fine… literally.

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The moon and dog coins really make it rain in the crypto space. American rapper, Lil Yachty jumped on the safemoon ship quite early, probably his best decision ever. ‘Crank dat’ emcee, Soulja Boy certainly had fun in crypto than he did in his rap career; fair enough, he is the ‘first’ rapper to do it! Lol, it’s funny but these guys are killing it and making lots of fiat from the hustle. Hate it or like it, it’s been a good experience for pump influencers trooping into the space.
Everything to the moon! But where is the moon? If anyone has a correct answer to that, it’s certainly not Elon Musk. The rocket man is so good with his space work and has sent many people (and things) to the real moon but the virtual one? He’s yet to get the correct map. He had plans of ‘putting a literal dogecoin in a literal moon’. For real I’d happily buy some of Musk’s tweets for a few hundred thousand dollars if they ever sold as an NFT…and if I have such an amount to spare. The former is possible, the latter is probably not…for now. But Elon’s tweets are priceless, what a man!

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Alright, I’ll put the jokes aside. Where is the moon? You probably have a better answer and I’m hoping to get them in the comment section. But I’ll go first with mine.

If you bought those dips from 2021 until somewhere mid of 2024 and kept hold of them, then it’s fair to say you’ve had a smooth touch of the moon. The moon is generally personal. For investors with a profound love for the project they are invested in, price movements aren’t something to consider. Investors like this would go back and forth with the price and the most probable action to take is to buy the dips. Michael Saylor’s Microstrategy has been reportedly buying thousands of bitcoins over time and has over 400,000 bitcoins in their custody bought at an average of about $58,000. For investors like this, moon talks are ‘noise’ to them.

But, if you’re here to make the quick bucks (which is the most likely case if you clicked on this article) then it’s important to understand that the moon is a virtual location, and reaching there is a personal perception. If you caught the ship before it took off, getting off just at landing might be an even bigger task. Sometimes there are crashes, regardless of how far the ship has gone, which you should note too… in my opinion.


5X, 10X, 100X… where does your hunger get quenched? Or better still, where does your ‘greed’ get satisfied? Certainly; a question to answer, since it’s ‘just the gains’ for you and nothing else then it’s important to note that you’ll probably not be able to catch the top or the bottom. With this in mind, the decision is yours. But before that; ‘TO THE MOON!!’

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