U.S. Congressman introduces "Stablecoin Transparency Act"

By SatoshiConomy | SatoshiConomy | 7 Apr 2022

Bill Hagerty introduced a two-page bill entitled, "Stablecoin Transparency Act" into the Congress of The United States.

What you think now?

Read the .gov document here:

The Stablecoin Transparency Act


Of course, this shows a steady, continuous effort on behalf of U.S. senators and representatives in the house to bring in more regulatory clarity and rules for policy.

Looking forward, $Trillions of dollars will eventually have more of the regulatory clarity necessary for funds of all kinds to be able to invest and to offer their investors more options.


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Bitcoin, NFT & Web3 Curator Since 2015. Free Consults. No Sponsor...Bias Is Mine Only. #LoveAllServeOthers

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