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Is It Possible to Slow Congress? A Sample Letter to Washington DC

By EsoterRick | EsoterRick Musings | 11 Aug 2021

I have never really been a politically active person, until recently...  I am very concerned that those who wield political power in the Halls of Congress are fast heading towards hobbling the cryptocurrency marketplace in one way or another. I’m fairly confident they will cause harm either intentionally or unintentionally. Since I don’t have a cryptocurrency lobbyist in Washington, I thought I would start small with emails. I don’t know if letters, phone calls or emails are actually effective, but I am going to take a shot at it; and I shall be emailing our leaders relentlessly.

The following is my first draft. If you like it, or parts of it, feel free to use it. If you have suggestions for making it more effective, I’d love to hear it. For those not in the US, perhaps you can give us a different perspective from which to approach this.

I plan on sending this to every congress person’s email I can obtain. I’ll also send a revised version to the President and Vice President. It might just go to their Trash box, but I’m going to give it an effort and see where it goes: no guts, no glory. If nothing else, perhaps we can get some conversations going that otherwise may not have taken place.

Please enjoy. Here is the draft:


Dear Honorable _________,

As one of your concerned voting citizens, I am very concerned about the flood of information floating around about certain members of congress attempting to legislate actions related to cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency is a subject that is very important to me and I can guarantee you that the information you and other members of congress are utilizing is uninformed and is badly in need of overhaul. To that end, I would recommend that no decisions are made at all regarding the area of cryptocurrency until you have: 1) Done your homework, 2) Garnered experienced and knowledgeable members of the cryptocurrency community, 3) weighed all relevant factors in which to make - or delay decisions.

Not only is this an area of great importance to me, but I believe it has significance for the world in general, and our country in particular. To that effort, I have some strong recommendations and observations for consideration.

First of all: You should form a team of talented, knowledgeable, and experienced people in cryptocurrency to help you form thoughtful opinions and recommendations on cryptocurrency. Since there are varieties of opinions and alliances within the field of cryptocurrency, you should have a blend of them to provide information. The SEC, in my estimation, is currently not that group.

Second: Please do not make decisions based on fear, or from irresponsible sound bites and half truths. We would prefer facts and data as opposed to just opinion.

Third: Those of us in the cryptocurrency community are for maintaining our privacy; we do not want to give that up.

Fourth: I am for opportunity that is open to all, and cryptocurrency currently affords that to a large degree. We understand that there are scammers in the marketplace, as they are everywhere. But that is part of everything that exists, and we would suggest before cryptocurrency is unduly targeted, that the following is considered. There are already laws in place to address scammers of any kind. Law enforcement should prosecute accordingly - Including Bankers, Investment firms, politicians and religious personalities or organizations. In addition, nothing should be proposed without the full weight of a solid investigation, credible information, and a view towards the best interests of your citizenry – not the voice of uninformed critics.

I appreciate you taking the time to read about my urgent concerns. We are at an unique and pivotal time in our history with the emergence of cryptocurrency. One thing is certain, it needs to be approached thoughtfully and wisely. The impulse to squash, manipulate or control this movement must be put in check. For my part, I will continue to lobby for protection of the ideals of cryptocurrency which are privacy and decentralization; so you will likely hear from me on many occasions. Alternately, anything I can do to assist in this process I am willing. Please let me know if I can answer any questions or provide you with some excellent resources for cryptocurrency knowledge or personnel.


MY/YOUR NAME HERE______________


For those of you who would like to join me in doing something crazy like this I am including a link to assist in finding contact information for your congress person.

Thanks for reading and I look forward to some inspiration and ideas from fellow readers.


My email: [email protected]

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I love the worlds of cryptocurrency, cryptology and mythology and the educational efforts around these topics. I am enjoying the renaissance of cryptocurrency and look forward to seeing how the world changes as a result of it.

EsoterRick Musings
EsoterRick Musings

Thoughts on Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency and other random ideas.

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