PART 1. Introduction of Warena project and community questions.
Hello, Satoshi clubbers and guests of this site. Let’s talk today about NFT metaverse game.
Warena is The first personalized and “play to earn” game. Engage in thrilling action-survival gameplay throughout two release phases. Players will battle it out in PvE and PvP content using highly personalized warriors, participate in tournaments and be able to collect NFTs at the same time.
The plan of AMA session:
- Part — Introduction and preselected questions.
- Part — Live questions
- The Quiz about Warena
The reward pool is 500$
Leading the AMA our clever and fun admins:
Mary | Satoshi Club — @Satoshi_club
| Satoshi Club — @Jonahapagu
The Representative of the project:
Jolie Tran — @quynhghi — Marketing Specialist
Sandy Tran — @sandytran15 — Marketing Manager
Minh Doan — @minhdoan- Founder Warena, cofounder of MassBit Protocol, ex-cofounder of Harmony one, ex-Googler
Vu Hoang — @vuhn23 — Project Tech Lead Coordinator at WARENA.
Introduction of Warena project.
| satoshi club:
Our guests today are @quynhghi @sandytran15 @minhdoan @vuhn23
Welcome to satoshi club we are glad and excited to have you all here today
Sandy | Warena:
Hi everyone, so excited to be here
Jolie tran:
Hello everyone
Mary | satoshi club:
Hello, guys! Happy to see you all here today
| satoshi club:
Excited to meet you all..
Sandy | Warena:
Thanks for having us here!
Mary | satoshi club:
Let’s start our ama
Sandy | Warena:
Let’s do it!
Mary | satoshi club:
Could you please introduce yourself and tell us more about Warena
Jolie tran:
Hi there!
I’m jolie tran and work as a marketing specialist for Warena. I bring 7 years of marketing experience to the table, and a similar level of experience to my team when i play league of legends
. I am a candy crush aficionado and recently have fallen in love with axie infinity.
I like to think of my myself as a witch-class type character, weaving magic spells over my marketing campaigns.
Warena is going to be something special, and i love interacting with our large network of collaborators, and the game vision is just awesome.
Sandy | Warena:
Hey! My name is sandy tran, and i am the marketing manager at Warena.
Although young, i have a wealth of experience in marketing, tech and the gaming industry. I’ve already worked for 3 years on high-tech/ blockchain projects, and i have a bachelor of science in marketing & finance and master of science in marketing analytics.
Vu hoang | Warena:
Hi! My name is vu hoang and i am the project tech lead coordinator at Warena.
I’ve already helped develop some games that are in a similar vein, such as cat gunner and robot defence
So far, the best games that i myself have enjoyed playing have been blade and soul, diablo and heroes of the storm.
Mary | satoshi club:
Excellent intro guys!
Sandy | Warena:
Warena carries a vision of a metaverse in which everyone has equal rights and equal opportunity to speak their mind, to contribute and develop the ecosystem (decentralized organization). My career goal is to leverage creativity and art and instigate meaningful lessons & conversations with our community.
| satoshi club:
Awesome introduction i see you all love games
Mary | satoshi club:
I see you all got big experience in crypto
and games
What is the main goal for Warena as a game?
number of players, profits, popularity etc?
Sandy | Warena:
Warena is our initiative for the vision of a mass-adoption blockchain game. Our optimal goal for the initial growth stage of Warena is to build a community-driven experience for all players, combining people with interests in play-to-earn, arena playoffs, nft-based gaming & streaming, nft enthusiasts altogether.
Warena also carries a vision of a metaverse in which everyone has equal rights and equal opportunity to speak their mind, to contribute and develop the ecosystem (decentralized organization)
| satoshi club:
I’m sure a lot of our members are super interested in what you are building
Mary | satoshi club:
So, your early adopters won’t have advantages?
Sandy | Warena:
Everyone will have advantages in Warena. Early adopters will definitely have better preparation for the main release of phase 2 metaverse
Minh doan:
Hello everyone,
Sorry for the late joining. My name is minh doan — and i’m currently running ( and — before that i was a cofounder of harmony one. I also spent 5 years at google (mountain view, ca) as a tech lead.
Warena was the first incubatee of (gb), an investment fund and incubator founded by minh doan(cofounder of massbit protocol, ex-cofounder of harmony one, ex-googler) , chao ma(ex-cto of deeper network, ex-blockchain architect of harmony one, ex-amazoner), and rongjian lan (cto of harmony one, ex-googler)
Please join Warena official telegram :
Mary | satoshi club:
that’s what we need, right, satoshiclubbers?
| satoshi club:
Mary | satoshi club:
Hello and welcome to satoshi club
How big is your team, guys?
Sandy | Warena:
We are a team of more than 20 people with diverse backgrounds and experiences in many fields: blockchain engineering, games development, art, and marketing, etc. We team up together to create Warena — a project that highlights the advent of a new era of gaming.
| satoshi club:
Mary | satoshi club:
Wow a lot of people who are inspired by crypto and gaming!
| satoshi club:
Yeah.. I hope we get to see their gaming skills today..
Sandy | Warena:
We’re doing our best to give our community the best game possible
Mary | satoshi club:
Thank you, guys for this excellent intro! We choose 6 questions for the first part of our ama
ready for them?
We don’t have any doubts
Preselected questions about the Warena DeFi project.
| satoshi club:
Q1 from telegram user @uplinestephen
Hello Warena team,
Based on what i read from your website, $rena is an erc-20 governance token for the Warena universe. Also, i noticed that $rena holders will be able to claim rewards if they stake their tokens, play the game, or even participate in key governance votes. However, looking at the trend in the crypto space today, looks like almost every project is now coming up with this play to earn nft games. My question is, how does $rena token team intend to make this project stand out among the many play to earn nft games so that they can beat the competition out there? Because as an investor, i’m very much concern about how solid a project is and also the seriousness of the team before investing into it.
Jolie Tran
I would appreciate your response to this question. Thank you
We learn from established projects in the market, and develop our special features:
innovative combination between play-to-earn and metaverse built cleverly upon an engaging story and plot.
ai personalization tech allows users to upload their photos and create unique digital avatars.
there is the ability to engage with crossover characters from other universes such as axie infinity, cat gunner and my defi pet.
Warena nfts are created across different blockchains such as bsc, polygon, near, and solana to name a few.
With these features, we are confident to have enough competitive advantage for Warena to stand out among nft game projects.
Moreover, Warena has 2 phases with a stable long-term development roadmap, ensuring the sustainability of the project. Thereby, investors will have a long-term profit following the development of the project from phase 1 to phase 2.
See more of our roadmap here:
All of our plans are carefully planned and supported by top adviors. In addition, we use a 2-token economic mechanism for the project to develop sustainably based on the Warena community.
This is also how we have convinced our partners and big investors.
Mary | satoshi club:
We had cross chain solutions, now we will have cross game solutions?
Sandy | Warena:
Definitely, that’s our unique competitive advantage
Vu hoang | Warena:
Check our website: to have newest information
| satoshi club:
Big names here..
Mary | satoshi club:
Btw, is your phase 3 already fully performed?
Sandy | Warena:
You meant phase 2?
Mary | satoshi club:
Oh, i looked at q3
i mean all your plans for thus quarter
Sandy | Warena:
Yes, all are fully deployed
Mary | satoshi club:
Congratulations! Everything goes according to the plan
Thank you for your answers! Ready to proceed?
Sandy | Warena:
Sure! Let’s continue
We had beta test event held on september 16th for all members to try out the game
Mary | satoshi club:
Is it finished?
Sandy | Warena:
Unfortunately, it’s closed on sept. 20. However, we’re planning to have another beta test next month.
We’ll announce in details later. Please follow our channel for new updates
Mary | satoshi club:
Please, don’t forget to share with us! I want to join
Vu hoang | Warena:
| satoshi club:
Q2 from telegram user @cheriemike
When i saw your platform Warena the first thing that came to my mind was,what is the meaning of that name and i tried to do some findings about the name and i got different can you tell us the meaning of the name Warena and the story/inspiration behind that name?you also introduced your game to various markets across south east asia and central europe,when do you plan to make your game global so that people from other region can have a taste of it?
Vu hoang | Warena:
Our projects come from enthusiasts of games, manga and anime. We want Warena to be not only a game to make money but also a game where we fulfill our dreams.
Warena is separate from war and arena — we are trying to create a world that alternates between war and peace, alternating between races.
Experience the game from phase 1 (2d) and phase 2 (3d), you will realize that races from southeast asia and central europe will appear one by one. Follow the main story line and create a thrilling multi-world story. From there, create a world like reality, where you can’t predict the future.
The roadmap to expand to markets around the world will correspond to the development of the story in the game.
Mary | satoshi club:
I saw your video on youtube and enjoyed it!
Sandy | Warena:
Lovely! Thank you
Mary | satoshi club:
Which skills do players need to have to play your game? Can they play both on pc and smartphone?
Sandy | Warena:
No special skills are needed. Warena is built to allow all types of players to enjoy the game.
| satoshi club:
Satoshi clubbers did you read that so get ready to show your skills
Vu hoang | Warena:
Yes, you can play both on pc (website) and mobile. But the first version will be on the website.
| satoshi club:
I also want to ask do you intend to capture all races of the world in this story?
Mary | satoshi club:
Sandy | Warena:
All game guidelines and how-to will be discuss in our communities once the game is launched
Mary | satoshi club:
Oh, that’s nice
happy to hear
With how you’ve been providing detailed answers so far.. I believe the guidelines will be sufficient enough to get any user started..
Vu hoang | Warena:
We will aim for the legendary race in each country. And the order of appearance will be decided by the community.
Mary | satoshi club:
Thank you for your answers! Ready to go to the next question?
Sandy | Warena:
| satoshi club:
Q3 from telegram user @pavel_jarosh
Hello Warena team! As per Warena timeline, we are close to ido upcoming weeks, however the exact date is not indicated. Is that a result of beta test? If an ido date has already been fixed, then please provide the details of the event? How can we participate? Thank you!
Jolie tran:
The expected day is oct 7th. We are considering it carefully.
Our team has observed the actual situation of the market. If you have followed, the market situation these days has not been very good. And we don’t want our investors to risk, we want our community to get the profits from day one. Well begun is half done.
Please follow us on the official Warena channels to get the exact ido date and how to participate.
| satoshi club:
So if the market situation doesn’t improve will this date still stand?
Mary | satoshi club:
It’s soon
do you already know where this ido will take place?
Jolie tran:
I can’t say anything soon at the moment. Please follow us.
Mary | satoshi club:
Sure! We will
Sandy | Warena:
Red kite, dao maker, paid network
| satoshi club:
Mary | satoshi club:
Wow, very good choice
Thank you for your answers! Ready to jump to the next question?
Sandy | Warena:
Okie dokie!
| satoshi club:
Q4 from telegram user @antoni_azx
In my opinion, one of the biggest problems that nfts games are having is the absurd amount of bots that they usually have once their staking phase is launched as well as when playing the pve or pvp, very good games like the pvp of overlord, which has been harshly looted by thousands and thousands of bots which played and took out everything collected in the games generating losses of more than 140% of $ ovl in 5 days. Could you tell us how you prepare to fight this calamity of nfts games? Will they have a security system that prevents multi-account abuse within the game?
Vu hoang | Warena:
We have strategies and functions that ensure game balance and player experience. The more time you spend, the better you get, the more you earn. We focus on the benefit of the community, because the community will create long-term and sustainable value for the game.
In addition, your tokens are secured by the smart contract which will have to go through the audit process. Our team has a lot of experience in software development and blockchain but nothing in crypto is guaranteed. So you have to take your own risk of investing into crypto. I cannot say anything about the ido price, but you can look into our token metrics at
Mary | satoshi club:
So, you are ready to prevent bot activities?
Vu hoang | Warena:
Yes, game designer and our dev team try to cover all case.
Mary | satoshi club:
Btw, which blockchain did you choose for Warena? Hope so, because as i know it’s common headache for all blockchain games
Sandy | Warena:
Bsc, Polygon, Near, Solana to name a few
| satoshi club:
I noticed you have an interest in always carrying your community along, how do your community members get to make decisions regarding certain aspects of Warena?
Vu hoang | Warena:
You can check our technical matrix:
Mary | satoshi club:
will do!
Sandy | Warena:
We have a currency called rena in Warena. Rena token is an erc-20 governance token for the Warena universe. Rena holders will be able to claim rewards if they stake their tokens and participate in key governance votes.
Vu hoang | Warena:
In Warena, you are one of the true game owners with a decentralized organization called community council.
Warena integrated a concept of a dao (decentralized autonomous organization), which over time can take over much of the decision-making power in the game. The community council will be an important element of the game ecosystem, which will address both in-game issues as well as proposals regarding future game development and funding.
Feeling powerful?
Mary | satoshi club:
Thank you, guys for your answers! Ready to go to the next question?
Sandy | Warena:
| satoshi club:
Q5 from telegram user @dk177
I noticed that you have two game phases, phase 1-survival and phase 2-Warena metaverse. Do we have to complete phase 1 before going to phase 2 or do these phases work individually? For a new player who have no prior experience of gaming, where have you published more information on these phases? Do you offer guiding videos and other instructional materials? Conversely, is Warena limited to experienced players? Further, what about the non-gaming community? Do you consider being a gamer as a prerequisite to join Warena or are their any options available for long term and short term investors who are not interested in gaming?
Jolie tran:
Phase 1 and phase 2 will operate separately but will share the same world. You understand simply a big game that includes 2 game modes (2d and 3d). 2 phases are 2 consecutive phases in a story.
We put information and announcements continuously in social networks, chat groups. We will give you more information here.
My team is preparing videos and step by step documentation and will announce the details to the community before the game is released.
As shared, the more time you spend playing, the better you get, and the more you earn. They will only balance the time and skill of the player. Make sure the game isn’t too pay-to-win. We are always looking for solutions to expand the community, help more players access the game.
We’ve driven this community since phase 1 we created a game that’s simple, easy to see, easy to understand and easy to play. Ui/ux will be easily accessible to non-gamers without going through too much documentation or needing a lot of experience.
Vu hoang | Warena:
Mary | satoshi club:
How many users joined your beta?
Vu hoang | Warena:
We limit 7000 users join our beta but will try more in the next event.
Sandy | Warena:
We are expected to have 10000+ users
Vu hoang | Warena:
Newest gameplay teaser:
| satoshi club:
Satoshi clubbers please join..
Mary | satoshi club:
Approximately how many users you will allow to try the game?
| satoshi club:
Great numbers.
Mary | satoshi club:
Thank you for your answers! Ready for the 6th and last question from this part?
Sandy | Warena:
Sure, let’s do it
| satoshi club:
Q6 from telegram user @yellowchamp
I found out that your advisors are came from different established platforms such as amazon,dao maker, paid network,google and house of dao and they open doors and create new opportunities for clients and communities who share in their collective values. As your platform is all about games,but why you have no advisors that come from any gaming platforms? How can they be relateable to Warena? As they open doors and create new opportunities for clients and communities,can you tell us what opportunities it would be? How would clients and communities can reach out your advisors? Thank you
Sandy | Warena:
Recently, we have proudly received investment and partner with animoca brands, the company driving digital property rights via nfts and a leader in digital entertainment, blockchain, and gamification. Animoca will act as principal investor and partner for Warena. Much of their portfolio of original games and products utilizes popular intellectual properties including formula 1®, marvel, wwe, power rangers, motogp™, and doraemon.
Regarding opportunities for Warena communities, no organisation matches animoca brands’ scale within the blockchain gaming space, and the entire team at Warena is excited to leverage the 200 million-plus monthly viewership that animoca also brings to the table, including numerous kols in the hong kong and korean markets. Also, we’ll be holding a lot of campaigns and activities for our members to join and receives exclusive benefits from Warena.
Mary | satoshi club:
Animoca brands
Sandy | Warena:
We’ll be the bridge between our advisors and our communities. Any major changes and announcements will be throughoutly communicated to everyone. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding anything about Warena, please feel free to raise it in our communities and we’ll do our best to give you the proper answer.
Mary | satoshi club:
Guys! Thanks! This part was perfect and very informative! And now you should listen to the sounds of fingers
it’s our users are preparing for the live part
Ready for the storm of questions?
Mary | satoshi club:
Let’s go
PART 2.Questions about the Warena project from the live chat of the telegram community.
In this part, we open a chat for the crypto community for 120 seconds. Then the guests from the Warena crypto project choose the top 10 questions. The 10 crypto enthusiasts have earned cryptocurrency in the sum of 100$.
Q — 1 from a telegram user @madamlobster
which blockchain did you choose for Warena?
Minh Doan:
i will be launching with BSC first
Q — 2 from a telegram user @surendra040
Warena NFTs is build on multiple blockchains? Do you have your own NFT marketplace and what marketplace we can trade?
Minh Doan:
Yes we will have our own marketplace — and we could list NFT in other platforms too like opensea, or ignition launchpad
Q — 3 from a telegram user @ajay_ak_009
AUDIT play an IMPORTANT role in enhancing the stability of any PROJECT. Do you have AUDIT CERTIFICATES . Or are you working to AUDIT your project to make it more secure and reliable?
Vu Hoang | Warena:
WARENA has a thorough audit plan to prove that the project is well-invested, built by a strong, safe and reputable team. At the same time, it also minimizes the risk of the project being hacked or errors occurring during operation, affecting the project’s token price.
WARENA is expected to be audited on one of two platforms: Celtik or Zokyo.
Q — 4 from a telegram user @Pratze
Warena is a NFT blockchain game, so is this mean we must have NFT to start play the game ? i like to try but do you have an article/guide about how to play for newbie ? thank you?
Chris | TradeStars:
this is very a good question and a good feedback — we are working on this together with launching the game after IDO
Q — 5 from a telegram user @Ikkyndra
Can you give me a solid reason why i should choose Warena? What sets Warena apart from existing competitor coins? What are the advantages of Warena, and is there a project plan for the future so that it can compete with other coins that appear every day?
Sandy | Warena:
WARENA shows its uniqueness in many ways, our competitive advantages include:
Innovative combination between Play-to-Earn and Metaverse built cleverly upon an engaging story and plot.
AI personalization tech allows users to upload their photos to create unique digital avatars for the characters.
There is the ability to engage with crossover characters from other universes such as Axie Infinity, Cat Gunner and My Defi Pet.
Warena NFTs are created across different blockchains such as BSC, Polygon, Near, and Solana to name a few.
In addition, our tokens are deployed on different blockchain platforms designed specifically for NFT and Gaming development such as BSC, Polygon, Near, Solana… ensuring minimal risk.
Q — 6 from a telegram user @ajay_ak_009
Can you please enlighten us with atleast 2–3 outstanding features of your project that keeps it ahead of other projects in long run?
Minh Doan:
“Inspired by Blockchain Technology and capturing the global NFT trend, WARENA is an ingenious combination of the two latest gaming developments: Play-to-Earn and Metaverse. Anyone in the WARENA ecosystem can enjoy countervailing strategy gameplay within our vast, super-realistic Metaverse, earning at the same time, digital incomes. Tokens collected during the gameplay contribute to the WARENA ecosystem, and these tokens can later be converted into NFTs.
Using AI-Personalization technology, WARENA allows players to create their own unique characters, and is customizable to a deep level, including character avatar, warrior attributions, munitions, gear, and skills. This provides a highly realistic experience throughout one’s adventures. Within the WARENA Metaverse, players also can meet, interact, and battle with other characters from other ‘Universes’ such as Axie Infinity, My Defi Pet, Cat Gunner, and much more.
WARENA is not your typical NFT game. Our players get to immerse themselves in their character and engage in thrilling action-survival gameplay. The Warena NFT game will be released in two phases. Phase 1 will take place in Q3 of 2021 and will see the launch of the 2D tower defense game. It’s a survival, player-vs-environment game that will require players to defend against the oncoming army of zombies. Phase 2 is set to launch in Q2 2022 and will unlock the full force of the Warena metaverse with player-versus-player features.
We inspired by Solo Leveling and Sword Art Online. An inspiration on Sword Art Online with this it would be like transferring character from SAO to ALfheim Online to Gun Gale Online and Accel World.”
Q — 7 from a telegram user @slla1112
Can we play the Warena game to earn money? What kind of features does the Warena platform offer to players different from other game projects?
Jolie Tran:
Sure, you can play to earn token
Warena is the first personalized NFT play-to-earn and Metaverse game. Basically it combines 2 hot trends NFT play-to-earn and Metaverse into warena. It is also the first project introducing the personalized character feature in blockchain games.
Competitive Advantages:
Innovative combination between Play-to-Earn and Metaverse built cleverly upon an engaging story and plot.
AI personalization tech allows users to upload their photos and create unique digital avatars.
There is the ability to engage with crossover characters from other universes such as Axie Infinity, Cat Gunner and My Defi Pet.
Warena NFTs are created across different blockchains such as BSC, Polygon, Near, and Solana to name a few.
Q — 8 from a telegram user @Titanium432
I found that Warena Comprises of two Connected game Which are :
Can you please tell us more about these two games and What features of it make them different from one another?
Minh Doan:
Currently there are 2 hot-trends play-to-earn like axie infinity and metaverse and we want to combine 2 hot features into warena. 2d game survival is like another axie infinity — and to be able to join metaverse in phase 2 you need to do some activities in survival or acquire some NFT
Q — 9 from a telegram user @victorogb
Warena will offer players the ability to create their own personalised characters based on their preferences. Can you briefly explain the many features a player can incorporate to their personalised character?
Sandy | Warena:
One can create their own personalized warrior based on his/her preferences. Players are able to upload a photo of themselves and choose characteristics from different cyborg and warrior classes. These also become a personalized digital avatar. The created warrior becomes fully customizable, from body parts to attributes. As players go through the story, new characters/warriors can be summoned by activating NFT Tickets
Q -10 from a telegram user @Marcos2002
Is Warena allows players to rent their assets and Warriors ? If yes , Can you tell me
Is there any
payment required for lease process?
Minh Doan:
this is one of features we will be implementing — we are prioritizing features which we can have to engage with the users the most — we are currently focusing on building the survival game and metaverse together with the marketplace. Then i think we would focus on staking where, if you own RENA tokens, you can stake into a vault to earn shared revenue with WARENA project
Q -11 from a telegram user @highpee
I heard about WARENA PROMOTIONAL MARATHON event. What is this event about and who can join it? Where is the event going to be hosted and how do you plan to reward the winners that will emerge?
Jolie Tran:
September 23–26: Participants post 2 general introductions about WARENA on their Telegram channel → Submit your Telegram Channel/ here.
In order to pass this round, each post needs to reach at least 2k engagements (views, likes, comments, shares…)
September 27–28: Qualified participants will be chosen based on the requirement above. Chosen participants need to call their community to vote for their entry using the voting form provided on September 27th. The voting form will be released on our official WARENA channel @WarenaOfficialAnnoucement
September 30: We will announce 5 winners to receive the prizes.
Top 5 participants with the most votes & have at least 2,000 engagements (views, likes, comments, shares…) on the participant’s original post will win.
Winners are allowed to buy RENA tokens at the private sale price. The total value of our contract is $25,000, distributed as follows:
1st place: Allowed to use $7,000 to buy RENA tokens with private sale price
2nd place: Allowed to use $6,000 to buy RENA tokens with private sale price
3rd place: Allowed to use $5,000 to buy RENA tokens with private sale price
4th place: Allowed to use $4,000 to buy RENA tokens with private sale price
5th place: Allowed to use $3,000 to buy RENA tokens with private sale price.
Part 3 — Quiz about project
In the final part, we tested the knowledge in terms of the Warena project. They’ve prepared 4 questions for this part, so everyone could be a part and answer. Participants had 10 minutes to answer. 300$ was distributed between the winners.
Our contacts for more details:
English Telegram group | Russian Telegram group | Spanish Telegram group | Telegram Channel | Twitter | Website
Our Crypto Partner by this AMA: Warena
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