Hello, Satoshi clubbers Another AMA took place in Satoshi Club and we would like to introduce to you the AMA session with our friends from enVoyDeFi and our guest was . The AMA took place on the 3rd of March.
The AMA session was divided into 3 parts with a total crypto reward pool of $500
In this AMA Recap, we will try to summarise the most interesting points for you.
Part 1 — introduction and questions from the Telegram&WebSite
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Hello Dear Satoshiclubbers Welcome to our AMA with enVoyDefi
Robocop | Satoshi Club
Today our special guests are
@MikeInTokyo, @cedricantonio, @Bit_Ish, @CeeGeeOBE, @coolnerd100, @arzutoren,
and @dianakine00
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Hello Guys welcome to Satoshi Club
Cedric Antonio 🔺
Hi everyone, and thank you for hosting here today!
Robocop | Satoshi Club
Welcome to Satoshi Club
Chris Gorman
Hey everyone
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
We are glad to have you all here today
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
How are you doing?
Robocop | Satoshi Club
Hello guys ! glad to have you all here
Chris Gorman
Can i first join the Satoshi Club in honoring the brave Ukranian people
Cedric Antonio 🔺
We are looking forward answering all the questions you guys have for us
Robocop | Satoshi Club
by the way, do all of your partner already here ?
Hi everybody!
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Let’s start our AMA
Cedric Antonio 🔺
everyone is here, we can start
thank you!
Robocop | Satoshi Club
ok, lets start our AMA
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
So can you please introduce yourselves to us how you got into crypto and your involvement with enVoyDefi?
Cedric Antonio
My name is Cedric, CMO and I joined the project to follow the vision of the existing team, that is Democratising Supply chain and Trade finance.
Chris Gorman
Hi all, I am an Adviser (very active) to the team. I was on the board of electroneum for 3 years (during its good period) I have an OBE from the Queen and a professorship in Entrepreneurship
I am very focussed on Social Entrepreneurship and passionately believe enVoy Defi will be part of the solution to many global challenges
Hi, I’m Andrew — CFO. I began in crypto back in around 2015 when I first heard about Bitcoin. However, I was skeptical at first so wanted to do my research. After a few years, I was finally convinced and bought my first bitcoin in 2017. Since then I’ve been heavily involved in the space through my crypto consulting firm where my team and I bridged the gap between traditional finance and crypto startups. This brought me to eventually meet Lee (our CEO) and begin working on this amazing enVoy project!
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Great Background Guys
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Can you now tell us what enVoyDefi Is all about?
Cedric Antonio 🔺
In a nutshell, enVoy DeFi is a platform where people can invest in the financing of international trade in goods and commodities, instantly and securely.
By enabling real-time, peer to peer payments to accelerate the supply chain.
Lee tarone
Hey. I’m lee. CEO of envoy defi, ex head trader of Fx at Harlow butler Ueda and prebon tullets. And major investor of hedge funds via Bloomberg and sustainable projects with various NGOs
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Hello Lee welcome to Satoshi club
How many team members do you currently have working on this project?
Lee tarone
Here at envoy we aim to support a new era of trade finance digitising and a great reset in sustainable financing only for a better tomorrow.
Lee tarone
Democratising this to the people where once was only available to banks. Thanks blockchain tech.
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
@dianakine00 welcome to Satoshi club
Chris Gorman
Trade Finance Gap (TFG) in traded goods is approx $1.7 trillion, this is the situation where you have a buyer and seller wanting to do business together. This is $4.6BN of orders everyday unfulfilled as it is too complex for the major banks. Blockchain resolves this and enVoy Defi deliver it. Just 1% of TFG is almost $50m per day. enVoy is perfectly positioned.
Lee tarone
Tel time payment is huge for supply chain. Imaging real payments that’s normally take days or weeks for banks at millions of dollars and how this speeds up trade especially after covid.
Democratising finance and payments is a game changer
Diana Kine
Hi everyone, I am truly excited to meet you all here!
My name is Diana, and I am managing daily tasks related to design and branding on Envoy’s team side. I am displaying passion of our team trough project management and branding design you see out there. Hope you enjoy this brand experience and will follow for more
Robocop | Satoshi Club
Thank you for the great intro, enVoyDeFi really great and innovative
Lee tarone
Let’s help the world better, sustainable and move faster offering finance to only low carbon vessels and suppliers.
Our team members and advisors have decades of relevant experience in each of their respective fields (logistics, shipping, crypto, finance etc). We have built an amazing team with best-in-class real world experience
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
You are all welcome Guys, we have a full team here
Robocop | Satoshi Club
Welcome Diana Kine
Can you explain how big are your team and which region/country already provide your service?
Our core team is roughly 14 team members and daily active advisors
Chris Gorman
enVoy’s vision and motivation: Harness the full power of Blockchain innovation to fix global trade. Enable more of the world to share in economic progress and shift to truly Green choices.
Cedric Antonio 🔺
We are based in NY, Geneva, Glasgow, Tokyo, Latvia, Spain, London
also have reps in Shanghai, Vietnam
Lee tarone
Our focus unlike most is latam and emerging markets and those who have the vision to focus on sustainability.
We are a truly international team!
Lee tarone
Thanks to our partners enabling data from carbon monitors we can change the way
Cedric Antonio 🔺
the main Supply Chain Finance Platform will be ready by Q1 2023, which will operate globally. For trading of commodities
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Thank you for the introduction guys, we will now like to proceed to our community questions are you ready?
Lee tarone
Enabling payments and trade means the more trade finance we do the less tokens in circulation and leads to huge increase in Crypto value.
Chris Gorman
The scale of real world current demand, combined with the lack of people who are capable of solving this ensures that there is huge appetite for staked tokens for defi usage which enables us to guarantee some of the best yields in the market
Lee tarone
Finance more huge gains
Robocop | Satoshi Club
Thank you for the detail introduction
Cedric Antonio 🔺
sure thing, let’s start
Our initial focus will be on LATAM trade but we are regionally agnostic because we aim for our process to be globally compliant from the start
Lee tarone
Most projects don’t have a business to finance. We finance a real world problem in the trillions. This means huge gains of VOY
Chris Gorman
We have spent 3 years immersed in development and partnership building
Lee tarone
The bigger the market cap to defi the more community farming rockets
Robocop | Satoshi Club
Thank you for the great intro
Robocop | Satoshi Club
Q1 from Telegram user @jameslekan664
International/Cross-border transactions requires a high level of security coupled to the fact that attimes, buyers and sellers may not know each other physically. enVoy DeFi had mentioned that one of it’s objectives is to discourage the idea of paper documents as paper documents are prone to frauds and errors. Can you give us an highlight on the security measures/policies/innovations which enVoy has in place to replace the paper document and ensure secure and flexible transactions? What registration and KYC process will buyers/sellers go through and how will enVoy address a case of missing or lost asset which is quite possible? For international/cross-border transactions, do you currently hold any partnership with any airlines/shipping ports? If yes, Give details
Cedric Antonio 🔺
The most common paper document required by all shipping contracts is the Bill of Lading (BL). This is being digitised and replaced by our tBL (tokenized Bill of Lading). The tBL contains all the same information a normal paper BL would contain, but it is digitised and stored on the blockchain and will be wrapped in our NFTs once that is deployed.
The team, who has decades of combined experience in this field, has gone through the various processes required, and extracted the “goal” of each of the paper documents and placed them on the website in digital form. As a couple examples, we have implemented KYC/KYS/AML checks and will have this data on Corda blockchain.
We have implemented sanctions tracking for vessels and ports. Any blacklists or red flags immediately get recorded so it forces ships to stay compliant. With all these innovations we can ensure the same required international shipping processes stay intact, but are now digitised and secured by blockchain.
All users of the SCF platform will go through a full suite of KYC, AML, and KYS (for suppliers). This process has been put in place that mirrors the same or better requirements than most global banks.
In the case of missing assets, there is a standard arbitration process in place. In terms of funds, these are controlled by the smart contracts which determines the exact requirements for release. If those requirements aren’t met (such as satisfactory delivery of goods) then funds will remain locked unless reverted back to buyer’s account through arbitration or other remediation. In the case of missing or lost assets, this depends on the contract between buyer and seller. They will usually have a clause in their documentation which sets out the process in these instances.
For international transactions, we do not hold partnerships with airlines (typically a logistics provider maintains these) but we do have a close relationship with many advocacy groups and communities major shipping such as at port of Miami. The majority of international trade happens overseas which is our initial focus.
Ultimately, we analyzed all the paper based processes, distilled them down to their core essential functions, and digitized that process
Cedric Antonio 🔺
All of this using the $VOY token as a strong part of this ecosystem.
Not just a strong part, an essential part!
Cedric Antonio 🔺
Robocop | Satoshi Club
Thank you for the answer, i can see security is your main priority but speak of security, do you already do audit for Smart contract ? if yes can you share the result with us?
Lee tarone
This is our CTO mikes domain
I think he is muted! But that said, we do have a smart contract audit completed — we are pulling up the link to it now. Hold please!
From Mike: We’re really careful about our contracts and make sure that they’re checked by separate experts and go through a full independent audit.
Lee tarone
Ans given most of our tech on corda is corporate we have super high security around corporate transactions and data given the huge amount of document fraud in trade finance
from the SCF side of things, Corda does a great job in protecting business assets as they are a private permissioned blockchain.
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club
@MikeInTokyo welcome to Satoshi club
hey hey!
Chris Gorman
Ya our CTO is in the chat now
Robocop | Satoshi Club
Welcome to Satoshi Club
Let me drop one of our audits in here.
Contract audit for VOY
Cedric Antonio 🔺
It’s from Techrate.
Robocop | Satoshi Club
Thank you for sharing this
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Thank you for sharing
Thank you all for your answers
Robocop | Satoshi Club
This is very clear and detail answer, do you want to add something or we can go to 2nd question ?
Cedric Antonio 🔺
Yes, sure
We’re really strong on security — one of our main priorities. We want enVoy to be a key part of world trade, along with the $VOY token, so we take a lot of care.
Chris Gorman
Happy to go to next question
Robocop | Satoshi Club
Q2 from Telegram user @meml97
While reading about EnVoyDeFi, I learned that $VOY holders can benefit from the use of their tokens in the supply chain finance ecosystem. So, having that in mind, can you explain to us more about this privilege holders will have? How will they be able to benefit from the use of their token in the supply chain finance ecosystem? Alongside that, do you mind telling us more about what other benefits will holders have on EnVoyDeFi? Why is it necessary to hold $VOY? What kind of advantages can we receive from it when it comes to your innovative products such as Tokenised Letter of Credit and Tokenised Bills of Lading ahd your overall paperwork digitisation services?
Lee tarone
This secures that our communities purchases are secure and we engage with regulates exchanges like liquid and a focus on driving liquidity and safeguard from manipulation and dumps in token pricing
Cedric Antonio 🔺
thank you for the question, we will break it down
Lee tarone
The LCs are a super cool feature that bring to life real use of NFTs that actually have value and a sellable resale market.
Cedric Antonio 🔺
The innovations created by enVoy DeFi (such as tLC and tBL) create value and functionality within the supply industry that was never there before. This helps to close the Trade Finance Gap.
What that means is there are trillions of dollars of potential trade that cannot happen due to deficiencies in current traditional processes.
DeFi users can gain by helping provide liquidity. That liquidity combined with the power of enVoy’s innovations will creating access to that gap. Think of it like picking up money off the floor! Even just a sliver of that trillion dollar gap, we can all greatly succeed!
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
So true
Chris Gorman
I thought the Satoshi Club team may appreciate the following in our current world objectives -In addition to the risk based approach , enVoy applies sanctions screening to individuals and legal entities for breaches in international sanctions on countries, businesses, individuals . Further screening is done to check for Poltically Exposed Persons either as individuals or as directors of a legal entity. The RBA will then assess for acceptance / rejection. All transactions are reviewed for suspicious activity.
Cedric Antonio 🔺
Holding the $VOY token will enable you to participate in this whole ecosystem.
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Do you have a separate team dedicated to do the screening?
VOY is the functional utility token and only means to transact value within the enVoy ecosystem. When a contract is created between a buyer and seller, a buyer and financier must lock up VOY on the platform. This locked VOY acts as a guarantee for the seller that the buyer has funds available for the trade. This lockup process is akin to current Letter of Credit (LC) process.
Cedric Antonio 🔺
Yes we do, we partnered with KYC-Chain to make this happen.
For DeFi users, holding the token (and more specifically, staking the token) helps rpovide liquidity to the DeFi fund. A third party manager uses funds from this pool and funds contracts exclusively on the enVoy SCF platform
In the same way, a bank or other large traditional institution would
Cedric Antonio 🔺
Robocop | Satoshi Club
Can you share the tokenomics for $VOY token ?
Interest and profits from funding these contracts goes back into the DeFi fund. As a reward for providing liquidity, DeFi stakers will get yield rewards based on the plan they choose (higher yield for higher lock-up periods). Rewards/yield are not affected by the losses of the DeFi fund on the SCF because a separate DeFi reserve pool is maintained to help minimize the affects of volatility.
Cedric Antonio 🔺
sure, as it is on the website, here is an overview of the tokenomics.
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Thank you all for your detailed answers, are you ready for the next question now?
Robocop | Satoshi Club
Thank you for the clear answer, lets move to 3rd question?
Chris Gorman
Yes please
Robocop | Satoshi Club
Q3 from Telegram user @Cheriemike
Shipping is one factor that contributes to air pollution and GHG (Green House Gases)and I notice that in monitoring and reporting carbon enVoy SCF will be supporting the “Blue Carbon -Blue Ocean” concept.So can tell us more about this concept and what you have achieve so far?What is the current benchmark levels you have set for vessel CO2 and other pollutant footprint and how many are they? Currently we know the situation between the peaceful country Ukraine and Russian,Russian Warship are currently on the Black Sea and the smokestack emissions from this ship are not healthy to the lungs and blood which can likely lead to heart and lung failure.So what will enVoy’s Ecosphere do in this regard for the safety of our friends in Ukraine alike?Can you tell us little about your auditable ESG(Environment Social and Governance)?Please explain Thanks
Cedric Antonio 🔺
enVoy’s core guiding principles of Sustainability and ESG ensure Green and Blue Carbon monitoring
as well as ESG certification and compliance to internationally accepted standards.
enVoy Green monitors the carbon footprint of industries and supply chains,
enVoy Blue monitors the carbon footprint of individual vessels as well as any other pollution incidents.
By measuring and comparing these criteria, importers, exporters and financiers are able to develop informed, sustainable supply chain options.
ESG certification of sellers and supply chain members, allows buyers to choose to use ethical, well-governed suppliers with high corporate standards.
A Toren
Hi everyone
Hi Arzu!
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Hello welcome to Satoshi Club
Robocop | Satoshi Club
Welcome A Toren
Cedric Antonio 🔺
Financiers are able to offer Green financing to favour clients with good sustainablility and environmental records and practices.
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Thank you for your answers btw our next question talks about your green program ready for it now?
Cedric Antonio 🔺
please go ahead
Robocop | Satoshi Club
Q4 From Telegram User @GracieEne
I read in your whitepaper that enVoy is well aware of the need to reduce pollution and to preserve our world for future generations, with regards to this, enVoy plans to roll out the enVoy Green program in which vessel carbon emissions are tracked and recorded. Discounts will also offered to financiers who back contracts that choose to ship their goods via low-emission vessels. Can you tell us how enVoy intends to track and record a vessel’s carbon emission? What are the instruments used in the tracking process?What other measures have you put in place in order to achieve a reduction in pollution? What other solutions are obtainable in this Green program asides tracking and recording of carbon emissions and what percentage discount do you intend to give to financiers who back contracts that choose to ship their goods via low-emission vessels?
Chris Gorman
As we are primarily fulfilling SME’s in developing countries that are currently unable to access trade finance it becomes far easier to implement sustainable policies as tthis is opening new markets not trying to change current cost focussed markets
We have partnered with Carbon Chain to record and provide ship carbon emission tracking and analysis
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
What developing countries are you focussed on?
Cedric Antonio 🔺
TL shipment and container progress reporting is based on the trade and…have live satellite tracking or a service on vessels and Shipping companies.
Chris Gorman
Also by enabling suppliers in the least developing countries we not only help their economies but also introduce further competition into the global supply chain
we achieve to reduce pollution by rewarding good actors. Those who fund contracts related to green ships will get better funding rates and discounted commissions.
Cedric Antonio 🔺
We will start with LATAM strong focus with Brazil and following through with Asia (China)
Chris Gorman
We are currently in discussions with multiple NGO’s to work in partnerships in specific areas
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Are the details of the discount percentage and funding rate they will get ready?
Our platform is globally agnostic so we can really go anywhere we need to!
In terms of discounts, that will depend on the ships used and the green score achieved by those individual ships/route. We will incentivise based on what we see as effective as we move forward. It is always important for a company to stay flexible and change based on the existing/changing financial landscape
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Thank you for your answers
Ready for the next question now?
let’s goooooooo!
Robocop | Satoshi Club
Thank you for the answer, lets go to next question
Chris Gorman
you can tell who the marketing guy is
Robocop | Satoshi Club
Q5 From Telegram User @thisistoyin
Following up on your latest Developments, i saw that $VOY has been listed on Uniswap, & after Log-in in my profile on your site, i encountered a A Future Called the COMMIT & EARN, which after clicking on it, displayed a notification that read “VOY staking will be available following the launch of trading” please i would like to know how these COMMIT & EARN FUTURE works, and could you please Give clear information on when you plan to Launch your Trading platform? Further more, I am Curious to know, What is the Significance of the Name ENVOY to your project? does it represent anything In your Platform? Thank you.
Cedric Antonio 🔺
So let me anwer the enVoy one first
Voy means to send, and envoy is the action of sending. which resumes our whole name, we are supporting buyers and sellers to connect in a seamless and digitized manner.
That’s where the name enVoy came in, chosen by our CEO, @coolnerd100
SCF launch is currently slated for Q1 2023. However, purchasers will immediately be able to stake and earn yield even before the launch. We have a significantly sized DeFi Reserve Pool for this purpose.
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Can you share your roadmap with us Please or better still a link to it
Cedric Antonio 🔺
sure, it is on our website, and being constantly updated with the latest innovations of what we are doing right now
Chris Gorman
Our payment rail will launch earlier andf the VOY token is an integral part of the value transfer (making payments) to suppliers, shippers and agents
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Great activities lined up thank you for sharing
Updates can be found on our website — scroll down to just after our whitepaper/two pager/token deck
Cedric Antonio 🔺
we are currently separting the corporate and the crypto roadmap so that it clears off the confusion on what we do
Robocop | Satoshi Club
Thank you for sharing the roadmap
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Do you want to add anything to your answers?
Or can we proceed?
Cedric Antonio 🔺
I think we covered most of it, let’s move on sure
Robocop | Satoshi Club
lets move to last question from part 1
nooooo, last question? too soon!
Robocop | Satoshi Club
Q6 From Telegram User @Asela1112
At the end of 2022, You are going to make the enVoy DeFi to be live Which means the launching of Mainnet. Can you elaborate more details regarding the enVoy DeFi mainnet event? Will there be some incentive events along with the mainnet release? What will be the advantages for the early users of enVoy DeFi mainnet? However, enVoy DeFi platform begins from 2018 & Hope to live on 2022. What things do you have to tell to your community before go for live on this year?
Robocop | Satoshi Club
still have part 2 for live section
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
There will be more in the second part Start getting yours hands ready
So i think there’s a little bit of confusion so to clear that part up first — VOY on Ethereum mainnet is already live, but the SCF platform will be launched later
For early purchasers of VOY, the big advantage is that they will be able to earn staking rewards even before the SCF platform is launched
Chris Gorman
For the community We are a fully transparent and accomplished team. we intend to be actively engaged across multiple channels and keep the community updated and motivated through many initiatives.
I would suggest following us on social and please engage
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Thank you for clarifying this
the envoy ecosystem has three distinct sections
1) SCF Platform for business case (buyers/sellers/financiers of global goods & trade)
2) DeFi (all of you!!!)
3) cross border payments
Cedric Antonio 🔺
The SCF is built on a platform called Corda owned by R3, it’s purely corporate
but we enable and democratize this process by allowing the community and everyday ppl to join in on the DeFi
Chris Gorman
We are in perfect position to make a real difference, one that is needed by so many. I hope we have illustrated today just how advanced we a re and how passiionate and commited we are to this cause.
But the truth is we will achieve this so much more quickly if we embrace, listen to and empower our community
Robocop | Satoshi Club
can you please share the important link or social media from enVoyDeFi? so Satoshi Clubber can follow your new update
the DeFi fund that’s created acts as a financier on the SCF — in the same way banks or high wealth individuals would
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Thank you all for your detailed answers
this industry has so much opportunity — the downside is it’s such a big project to undertake. but we have been working hard for a very long time to build the foundation and bring all of it together in the enVoy ecosystem
we are now at the point where we need you all, the community, to help us move things forward!
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Great to know that you have a Hard working team behind this project
we the people are an unstoppable force. together we are just as powerful as the big banks and oligarchs out there controlling the industry
we’ve created an opportunity for the everyday person to get involved and make a difference!
Robocop | Satoshi Club
You are really great team and project
Robocop | Satoshi Club
Cedric Antonio 🔺:
Chris Gorman
Thank you so much !!
lol thanks robocop
Cedric Antonio 🔺
Thanks @Pratze !
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Sorry about that
it’s all good — this is a great ama so far — thanks to satoshi club!
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
We will now like to proceed to the most anticipated part of our AMA the second part.
Robocop | Satoshi Club
Thank you guys ! it has been an amazing time in this first part of the AMA
Robocop | Satoshi Club
Now is time to proceed with the second part, the live segment part 2, are you ready?
Cedric Antonio 🔺
sure! let’s do this
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Chat will be opened for only 120 secs
Robocop | Satoshi Club
we will open chat for 2 minutes and then chat will be closed — you can start select 10 best questions !
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Opening Chat now
Part 2 — live questions from the Telegram community
Q1 from Telegram user
As we see that Global supply chains are very complex, As you have brought your technology to solve this issue, how will an average users be able to understand your technology & project?
Cedric Antonio 🔺
The average user does not need to know! that’s the beauty of it. all you need to do is stake and earn.
Now that said,we highly encourage everyone to understand what and where they are putting their money,we are available to educate and answer questions you may have
Q2 from Telegram user
While looking at your Whitepaper, I noticed that enVoyDeFi created something called The Tokenised Letter of Credit (TLC), which you stated is your first major innovation. Q3 With that in mind, could you please share more details about this innovation that enVoyDeFi is bringing to the table? How will it exactly work and what do users need to do to take advantage of it? What benefits will TLC bring to people? How do you plan to change the blockchain industry and economic industry as we currently know it with the Tokenised Letter of Credit? Thanks.
Cedric Antonio 🔺
The tLC is a digitised version of credit. What happens is when a contract is created, it will have terms attached to it (how much is the contract, when will money be disbursed, etc).
You can think of the tLC as an NFT version of a loan document. Since VOY is staked, there is collateral.
This collateral ensures that value is ready and available to pay for goods. The innovation here is that these staked collateral is available to be seen on the blockchain and protected by blockchain.
The funds are visible to the seller and locked until it is eligible to be released. Smart contracts then control when/if funds should be released and this process is transparent for all parties involved.
Q3 from Telegram user
Have you considered attracting non-crypto investors to the EnVoy Defi?What strategies do you have to bring your project’s name to the attention of non-crypto users?
Cedric Antonio 🔺
Absolutely — this has been part of what we were building in the background for the last several years. We have use-case partners on the SCF platform, buyers, sellers, and financiers. The DeFi fund will be active on the SCF platform alongside other traditional financiers.
Q4 from Telegram user
With regards to your staking, what will be the requirements to be able to stake VOY tokens? What is the minimum and maximum number of VOY tokens that a user can stake on your platform? Will this be the only stakeable token on your platform, and asides the rewards that is distributed to stakers based on their stakes, will those who stake VOY tokens get any other benefits or incentives? And will users be allowed to remove their stakes anytime they want?
Cedric Antonio 🔺
To stake VOY tokens, the current minimum is USD 1,000 worth of $VOY tokens. This is put in place due to the administrative costs associated per staking contract. This is where it is set for now but it may move in the future as we assess and reassess and increase over time.
Q5 from Telegram user
Investors of any project only invest in that particular project if they have the same vision ,Who are Your Partners that have same Vision?
Cedric Antonio 🔺
We have many partners across various aspects of the business.We have use-case partners (private businesses) who are committed to utilizing our platform. We have partners in ESG and ship tracking (Carbon Chain, Polestar). We have partners in KYC and security (KYC Chain, IBM Tradelense).We have blockchain partners such as R3 Corda. And we have many other partners who are helping us white-label and build portions of our platform.By leveraging existing technologies alongside our innovations and vision, we are piecing together this incredible ecosystem.We also have trading partners in place for the pilots and many others ready to use the service once fully operational
Q6 from Telegram user
What role does ENVOY play in meeting the growing demand for supply chain transparency, resource efficiency, security, and long-term sustainability?
They also claimed that trust issues have resulted in a $1.7 trillion trade finance shortfall, which enVoy can close. How will ENVOY close the chronic gap? What role will ENVOY play in addressing the issue of trust?
Cedric Antonio 🔺
enVoy facilitates the transparency , efficiency, security and long term stability.Using blockchain allows for transparency in funding,smart contracts and thorough corproate KYC/AML help in efficiency and security, and the VOY token and our amazing community will ensure long term stability.
Q7 from Telegram user
In Your Roadmap, I Read About the R3 PILOT TRIAL , Which Will be Launched in Q2 2022
, May U Please Tell me More More about R3 PILOT TRIAL ?
Cedric Antonio 🔺
So we have the R3 pilot trial based on the latest version of Corda however this is under launch right now and we cannot write out too much about it yet until it is fully published. More to come on this soon!to add to this : The pilot trial with R3 will be a live, dry run of the actual SCF platform. in action! This will be attended by major banks, suppliers, shipping companies, and other global players in the supply chain industry.unfortunately due to NDAs we cannot disclose the exact names of these companies but many are already lined up and waiting. we are leveraging R3’s massive international reach and partnerships. R3 is heavily focused in supply chain innovations so they were a natural partner for us on the SCF platform
Q8 from Telegram user
I Would Like to Know about the STAKING and FARMING Feature of the Gemuni Platforms, Has It been Launched Or In Coming Times You will launch Your Staking ?
Cedric Antonio 🔺
We will be turning on staking very soon in early Q2 ahead of the launch of SCF platform. It is ready to go, we are just triple checking and doing our quality assurance
Q9 from Telegram user
What will be the role of NFTs in your ecosystem? What will be their field of use and what benefits will they bring? What is the value of NFT, s in the ecosystem? Thank you
Cedric Antonio 🔺
NFTs are amazing. In its current form, people are just buying and selling JPEGs on blockchain essentially. However, we believe that is only making use of a small bit of their real potential.In essence, an NFT is a wrapper or container which is immutable and each one is unique. This lends itself perfectly to contain a trade contract
Part 3 — Quiz Results
As usual, for the third part, Satoshi Club Team asked the chat 4 questions about the crypto project. A link to a Quiz form was sent into the chat.
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