Top 5 EOS Blockchain Games in April 2022

By S1mple Finance | S1mple Finance | 30 Apr 2022

What is blockchain gaming?

A blockchain game is a video game that includes elements that use cryptography-based blockchain technologies. Today we are going to take a look at the top blockchain games on EOS for April 2022.

#5 Blockchain Cuties

Blockchain Cuties is a collectable game with adventures.

Supported blockchains: ETH, Heco, Polygon, Tron, EOS

#4 Crypto Dynasty

Crypto Dynasty is an idle trading game, where players use their free time to idle and profit from trading.

Supported blockchains: EOS

#3 Prospectors

Prospectors has a real time economic strategy with fully user-generated economy.

Supported blockchains: EOS, WAX

#2 Wombat Dungeon Master

Users earn reward with renowned NFT collections from Uplift, Womplay, .gems, Crypto Writer and many more on EOS and WAX!

Supported blockchains: WAX, EOS

#1 Upland

Upland is giving players and businesses a new way to play, earn real value, and connect.

Supported blockchains: EOS

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S1mple Finance

S1mple Finance is a next generation DeFi project, which will allow web3 users to access all the DeFi features in one place (trading, liquidity farming, staking, nft and much more).

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