Rollercoin: Top 3 Unclear things in Rollercoin

Hello fellow Rollers or future Rollers, today I will cover some basic knowledge that for newcomers isn’t that clear. We will go over some facts, so you won’t do the same mistakes I made on my way.

1.Bonus Power

This is one thing many get wrong in the start. Let’s start with a short explanation of what it actually is. Many miners have a Bonus power that is expressed in %. It works as a percentage bonus of your mining power. Let’s take this room as an example. The Miner Power is 76.527 Ph/s. The bonus power is 210.502 Ph/s. Now just a quick example. If you have 10 Ph/s in miners and 100% bonus power, then you got overall 20 Ph/s. The Bonus power give you your Miner Power multiplied by the percentage(Bonus Power). In this case his Bonus Power is almost 3 times as much as his Miner Power, which means that the Bonus Power of this room has almost 300%. We could calculate the exact amount by dividing the BP( short for Bonus Power) by the Miner Power. 210.502 Ph/s : 76.527 Ph/s = 2.75. That means that this room has 275% Bonus Power. As you can see BP is quite strong in Rollercoin and you should definitely buy miners that give you BP.

Now that you know how crucial BP is, here comes something many don’t understand at the beginning. And that is that every miner gives you the BP only once. So if you have more than 1 identical miner, then the BP doesn’t add. Like here in this example. There are four identical miners, which gives 4x the Miner Power, as there are four of them. But the BP counts only once. So if that Miner has 1 % BP then it won’t count as 4%, because these four are identical miners. It’s better to sell identical miners and buy different ones on the Marketplace OR….



You can merge them like in this example. If you have identical miners but of different rarities, which is Common, Uncommon, Rare, etc. then it counts for each of them. That means you would get for Miner X Common his BP and for Miner X Uncommon his BP.


2.Power from Games

The Power obtained from Games is temporary. That means that after a specific time it will disappear. How long the Power stays depends on your computer level. Level 1, so the basic computer holds the Power from Games just for one day, Level 2 for 3 days, Level 3 for 5 days and Level 4 for 7 days. The Computer is upgraded by playing games. And the Computer level resets to 1, if you haven’t played a game in 24 hours. 


But although Power from Games is not forever, it can still help you as a newbie. If you play 50 games a day, you will sustain about 1 Ph/s just for games. And very often you have quests to play games, so you get two birds with one stone😉

3.Batteries and recharging

So in order to let your miners mine crypto you need to have electricity. Your free battery that you can see in the picture allows your miners to mine 24 hours. Once the battery is lower than 12 hours, it will be shown red and you can click on the recharge button to have it for 24 hours again. This way you don’t have to pay anything to let your miners mine. But if you forget to click on the recharge button and your battery goes to 0 than your miners stop mining until you click the recharge button. You can also use a battery to recharge your electricity for 3 days and you won’t have to click on the button, but batteries cost RLT and it’s easier to just push the recharge button once a day and you will do fine👍


I hope these three important thing will help you and make you a great Roller. If you haven’t registered yet, you can it do so from my link and you will get 1000 Satoshis as a welcome gift, which could help you to boost your mining😉
Here is the link:

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Rollercoin- Online crypto mining simulator
Rollercoin- Online crypto mining simulator

Hey guys, if you are interested in online crypto mining combined with strategy, fun and building your mining empire, then Rollercoin is definitely worth a try. In my blog I will guide you through Rollercoin from beginner to master. Along the way you will be rewarded with real crypto🤫😉

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