Trust Wallet Token: a new BNB in making

By ShabadBebe | Rimpi Kumari | 14 Nov 2022

Trust Wallet Token is a token from Trust Wallet where investors keep their crypto currency for trading, Staking and storage.

The token was launch by the Trust Wallet which hit a high of $1.4 in the past after being down for long at about $0.59 during recession of Crypto currency market. After having ATH of $1.4, it fell back to $0.89, it stayed there for so long and then it is making All Time High every day.

Yesterday, it's ATH was $2.3 before falling down to $1.86 and today it was $ 2.54 a new ATH.

Sooner or later it will come as new BNB in Cryptomarket.

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Mother of Shabad Fateh Singh

Rimpi Kumari
Rimpi Kumari

Free speaker, thinker. By profession I am an Architect. In crypto a investor, a collector, a trader. Love to play Badminton with my son Shabad Fateh Singh.

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