
Splinterlands Battle Mage Secrets: Noxious Fumes...

By RealSociology | Retire by 50 | 2 Sep 2023

This week's Battle Mage rule set challenge was Noxious Fumes in which every monster takes two poison damage at the start of every round, starting from round 2!

Noxious Fumes general strategy....

Given the extra damage being taken every round I generally prefer to go with higher health monsters and summoners that buff health.

Immunity and cleanse are two excellent buffs for this round, as is strengthen, but the former only applies to the first row monsters, still useful! Scavenge is also a good idea!

Tank heal, self heal and triage also work well, but be careful that the triaging monster isn't too low health or they'll die too early to be useful!

One of my fave summoners for this is the Scared Lama Mage - with the cleanse and plus two health, and of course LAST STAND buffing everything!

Shields I generally find less useful given their lack of defense against the poison!

I generally avoid the Death Splinter due to low starting health - most of a line up could well be dead after 2-3 rounds, while Earth and Water seem to have higher health, as does Dragon, so they are favoured I think in this ruleset!

Noxious Fumes battle exemplar

The battle below shows a battle featuring SLM in a comprehensive victory!

Mana and rulesets:

  • 43 MANA
  • Earthquake and Poison (lots of excess damage!)

Screenshot (110).png

Summoner - SLM

  • Flesh Golem - high health and self heal
  • Prismatic Energy - high health
  • Regal Pelyotn - high health and flying
  • Mycellia - Protect for earthquake
  • Earth Elemental - self heal
  • Cornealus - high health and self heal and decent damage!

The battle...

  • round 1 - No losses from the blows but Earthquake takes out the Slipspawm
  • round 2 I take out the Pelacor but lose my Queen to the double earthquake and poison hit.All throughout this round my THREE self-heals work wonders!
  • round 3 - I take out the evil wasp and my opponent loses his PM to the round damages!
  • round 4 - it's all over and I'm still 5/6

Final battle analysis

You can really see the advantage the SLM gives with the plus two health and cleanse, and lots of healing also helped me out massively!

Loosing the Queen R2 was no real problem as her shields did their bit against earthquake R1.

Noxious fumes final thoughts...

High Health all the way!

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