CMC October 18 Quick Analysis Along With Just Out Tokens

By razeiv | razeiv | 18 Oct 2019

Top Gainer Since 24 Hours

Block CDN (BCDN) With A Jump Of  116. 51 % and price flashing on $0.008393

Top Gainer Since 7 Days

Emirex Token (EMRX) with a 7 day impressive maintainence of 332.88 %


Top Loser Since 24 Hours

Data Transaction Network ( XD) with a drop of 81.55 % 


Top Loser Since 7 Days

Data Transaction Network again struggling very much since the last 7 days, 84.62 % down since.


New coin added to coin market cap today is Tesra(TSR), with current price ongoing $0.084505. The 24 hour volume is pretty good according to CCAP with $131,818 but the market cap data is not revealed by the team.I felt the circulating supply is too high with around $ 10 bn

A concept started in December 2017 and has been marched succesfully in this recent years along with the proof of concept and aims to settle down
Silicon valley.

What is Tesra?

Well, we have seen many artificial intellegences projects and like them it is also built on AI computing network, though the team looks promising.
It is a project lead by chinese innovators and i really wish them good luck.

To check more visit https//

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