huawei photo is kakoten of ishotgallery

A plate of chinese chicken chop suey, please?

In the last 10,000 years, human beings have learned to domesticate animals for the most diverse purposes: protection, hunting, transport, pet or food. Largely because it became expensive to jump from region to region in search of food.
By virtue of increasing food efficiency, between spending on hunting and returning food. Humanity has domesticated, to supply the daily animal protein, three mammals: cattle, pigs and chickens.

Cattle, heavier and larger, offer everything: leather, milk, meat, horns and bones. But, as in the financial market, the return occurs in the fattening period, in the way the animals are confined and in the appropriate treatments, that is, there is a lot of gain, but it requires time, space and large initial capital.
The Pork, less heavy and of medium size, offers some closer and more interesting options besides meat: fat for frying, leather for shoes, scientific research studies (a pig and human fetus up to the sixth week are exactly the same!). An option that does not depend on a large space, lives in a very confined space. But, it requires more cleaning, cystircecosis, cajo is not prepared properly. Similar to the financial market, where medium volumes give, in sum, better returns, but with more risks.
Chicken, small and light, provides meat, feathers, eggs (which are also used to produce vaccines) and to some extent, protection against insects. They are small, fit in any yard - even indoors - lay eggs daily (just as cattle provide milk, chickens provide the basic animal protein), they are clean and easy to work with in the kitchen. In the same financial parallel, they are small businesses, simple to manage and that, in large volume, are low risk with excellent return options.

That's why, in most kitchens, there are recipes with chicken and eggs are the mainstay of breakfast for a large majority of families around the world. Eggs are often the only access to animal protein for less affluent families. In short, the cheapest meat, easy to produce and with the best pulverized yield of by-products.

One chicken recipe option is the famous "chicken shop suey". It is easy to prepare, comes with chopped chicken, vegetables, fried and boiled, all cooking forms a sauce and seasoning strengthens the dish. In other words, something simple, practical, that if well prepared, kills hunger. It can be found in any online delivery, under different names, but the dish is always the same: more or less vegetables, fried and/or cooked with seasoned chicken, all mixed and in the correct seasoning! (It made my mouth water!!!)

This dish, in particular, as well as almost all the oriental philosophy, especially the Chinese one, was not "developed" to have in fine restaurants. This dish is an attempt to optimize meat and vegetables in one dish to try, with the same ingredients, to feed more people. This dish, with all this mixed together, is, in addition to being a popular dish, a dish, in its time, necessary for families not to starve.

It looks messy, everything mixed up. Unlike many other dishes, it doesn't require you to look good. The smell and taste justify the mess. But contrary to what is seen with it ready, its preparation is quite methodical: there is a series of sequences, mainly in the frying pan, of what goes in before or after, the cooking time and seasoning. Making a mistake in this methodology is the difference between the restaurateur delivering more or less of this dish, it is in the subtleties that the difference between the success or failure of this dish is hidden.

In this thought, it is observed that, although apparently messy, the moves of a certain Chinese telecommunications company, which has the best 5g technology at the moment, with the Chinese government (although both say no!) has all the refinements of preparing the dish culinary.

In 2018, huawei announces its own service-oriented blockchain technology. It sees the future of commercial transactions and the importance of crytocurrencies beyond just currency exchange.

In 2019, Huawei, in a statement, demonstrates the partnership with the Chinese government, in the best national interest, to join forces to expand blockchain technology, offering a path that does not depend exclusively on Western networks. Also, as always, there is the fear of technological and financial embargoes from Western countries.

Between 2020 and 2021, the concept appears, the "Shanxi" blockchain model aimed at the internet of things (IoT), together with artificial intelligence, large computing clusters and simplicity of operation. Huawei, in addition to launching the concept, spends, again in partnership with the Chinese government, many, many millions of dollars to raise its own structure.

In 2021, the Chinese government overturns bitcoin, prohibits its transactions on an unregulated basis, begins to tear down mines and their miners, forcing, as an option, mining in Chinese crypto currency.

As well as the culinary dish, this preparation was deliciously well done for Huawei and China. Done at the right time, with government support, in the dead of night. Food, in fact, no one really knows how it is produced. This coin too: although it looks like a mess, although it presents itself as a decision of the moment, it has no moment. Difference between the tactic, which is an action of short time, taken quickly, the strategies are acts of a much longer time, which uses several tactics for a greater goal.

I left in the links a very good recipe for chicken shop suey, the culinary dish!

I left in the links the recipe for the "chicken" shop suey a la blockchain by huawei too.

Of two things, from the point of view of strategy, it is evident:

Frogs are pecilothermic, they adapt to a certain temperature range without bothering, as a survival strategy!

- Toads, if thrown into hot water, will jump out of it, thus trying to avoid being cooked. But if they are in cold water and are slowly heated to water, the survival strategy will lead to death. The frog had cooked contentedly and happily, not knowing what had actually killed him!

Though considered to be often stupid or unrealistic, crazy people are usually smarter than most and most of them are in this condition because they are not deadened by the things that deaden most people's senses.

- when people started talking about china, back in 2016, most saw conspiracy theory, communist paranoia, and unfounded fear of the great red nation. It was like that in the United States, it was like that in England, it was like that in Europe: one of doubts about Huawei. A suspicious look at the global telecommunications infrastructure (which Huawei holds, in equipment and services, 39% of the infrastructure market, followed by Nokia and Motorola, in what concerns OLT's and datacenter, as well as towers and telephone exchanges).
No wonder now that the chicken dish with telecommunications is almost ready. It lacks the seasoning and put it in the box to send to homes around the world.

How much are we going to pay for the dish and how we are going to digest what lies ahead is anyone's guess!

As for the traditional chicken shop suey.......this one eats with great taste, when made with love and in the right measure!

Enjoy your food! (the huawei's electrical car is soon! Another chapter in the wolrd!)

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