You’ll See One Day

One day my casket will close for the last time.
One day you will find someone else to call mine.
Or yours, either or, but before that day comes I just wanted you to know.
That no matter where life takes you, no matter how far away you go.
You'll never be able to escape my memory.
You'll never be able to forget or fill the hole left behind by me.
One day you'll be M.T. One day you'll feel this hollow core.
One day you'll know that you can't change it, there's no rewinding anymore.
And when that day comes I hope my face haunts you when your eyes close.
I hope you can't sleep for days because you see peeking in your windows.
I hope you feel that cold chill when you know the real deal.
Is in the room with you but you can't touch it and once again you never will.
I hope you see me standing there with a stone cold expression when you finally learn life's lesson.
I hope you feel like shit when you're finally able to see the truth in my confessions.
One day you'll see exactly why I never had a single reason to tell you a lie...
But until that day comes I hope you drown in the tears you cry while screaming "Why!"

- HooK -
One day my heart will stop beating for good.
One day you'll know you should have gave me everything you never would.
One day you'll wish that you sent that loyalty, trust, friendship & love in my direction.
But until that day comes here's my last words - my confession...

You never saw me like you're blind & I was right in front of your face.
I never paid you back even when I should have showed you how bitter your betrayal tastes.
I never did you wrong, I never cheated, I never wanted anything but good for you.
& I know you don't feel bad for anything that you put me through so fuck you.
I could have burnt your world down, reassembled your reality & dismantled your days.
But instead I gave you love & wished the best for you every single time I prayed.
Here's the truth & it hurts because you can't live with the facts of every demon that you couldn't resist.
But now that I'm dead & gone I know one things for sure... One day I will be missed.

Verse 2:
You didn't see it coming now did you?
You played your game & told your lies & promised that you'd be true.
I know deep down it's what you actually wanted in your heart.
But you wrecked my world without mercy & you tore my tattered heart back apart.
You lifted me up from the darkness & I was grateful.
But then you erased my sunshine with your fakeness & being so ugly & hateful.
You spew toxic waste into my face & expect a sorry to leave it healed & erased.
What the fuck is wrong with you? Why did you hunt me down in the first place?
Didn't you listen to my solo albums & think I'd felt enough pain?
Didn't you think I was going off the deep end sticking needles in my veins?
Didn't you think my depression was enough of a lesson?
You had to rain hell on my hopes & leave me with all these questions?
Like was it ever real? Was any of it true?
Really though, I don't even know who the fuck are you?
When did you decide my life needed cut into shreds again?
Why did you do this to me? How could you? Bitch I told you I just needed a true friend.
Instead you brought a true end to every plot & every dream.
My wish list is a simple a one I hope one day you wish you could find me.
I hope you search far and wide and repeat the same mission that let you get me.
But this time you'll find I'm home forever & I hope you feel a fraction of the pain you gave me when you left me.
And fuck words, this is more than you deserve
& if I survive to record this record you should hope I'm really close to leaving this earth.
Because if you play this in reverse you'll be cursed
For swearing on my sister & never putting anything but yourself first.
I hope you find this song playing as they let go of my ashes.
I hope the wind takes me far away & a tornado appears to destroy your house as my soul passes.
To the other side where I'll reside waiting on your promise to come true.
I hope your heaven holds nothing but a cell where you watch me giving my love to the ones who were really true & one day it all explodes & becomes the hell you've put me through.

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Write My Wrongs
Write My Wrongs

I’ve always been a writer. I consider this area to be a living rough draft of the miscellaneous monstrosities, melted/molded memories, and maniacal/magical mysteries of madness manifested by my pen. Mostly, it is just a way to preserve stuff while also potentially gaining some kind words/cryptocurrency tips from random people who will never know how cool it makes me feel when they like this chaotic conundrum of content.

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