Visa just bought Plaid for $5.3 billion - used by Coinbase and Venmo

By TrocProcLock | Random Tech News | 14 Jan 2020

This just in everyone. Visa the world's second largest card payment company. They just purchased Plaid for $5.3 billion. Plaid is a fintech company that has some very useful API's. It is estimated that one in 4 people with a US Bank account are using or have used Plaid's API's.


The API's are used by the likes of Venmo, RobinHood and Coinbase for them to connect to your Bank account securely. This is a smart move for Visa as they were an early investor in Plaid. You own the API and you own the money. It has been stated that Plaid is planing on remaining a independent company from Visa but to use the Visa Brand to expand it's business. Plaid is one of the companies that normal every day people never head of and that's fine but the apps/companies they do know and use are using Plaid.

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I am a crypto enthusiast and also a crypto noob :) Just trying to learn more each day.

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