Writing is part of the literature art, a way that related generations, a fact that transcends humans mentally and spiritually. It describes the world's image including the past time until today. Through the pen, we can express our feelings, our thoughts and acquire knowledge about everything at every century or epoch.
I have always wondered to myself how ancient writers were inspired by their writings, especially those who wrote long novels such as Dostoïvsky, Hugo and other writers of bygone times.
In those eras, the amenities and the means of learning were not as abundant and varied as our current age, however, writers created novels and books that still amaze us and arouse our curiosity to read them over and over, l am wondering where the secret lies?!!
Does it lie in the intelligence and genius of the authors of those times, or does it lie in their spare time and the devoid of entertainment that wastes time in vain, as is the case in our epoch ?
There is no doubt that both reasons have a significant impact on the superiority of those writers in literal creativity, in addition to the effects of the social situations that most writers of the nineteenth century suffered, since most of their writings document those periods that witnessed wars, famines and the spread of diseases for which no medical drugs existed at the time, plus the writer's background which mostly was the essential and direct inspiration to his creative writing revealing his autobiography .
It seems to me, that the difficulties of life and living, illness and instability of security at that time had the greatest hand in inspiring writers and poets. They left us valuable books describing their sufferings, problems, whether personal, social or political , which have become a historical reference for all generations that came after them.
We cannot deny also that in our time, there is a good group of writers and poets who have excelled as well, and perhaps some of them have surpassed the past predecessors, but the difference is that they write in a well-being condition.
Well, this is evidence that social or personal circumstances are not the only motives for creativity and writing, because, in my humble opinion, writing is no longer a product of oppression and sufferings alone, but rather has become a passion that pushes a person to bring out what is in his heart, thought and life put it in the form of words and letters so that his pen can run in Writing about both his reality and his imagination, because Writing may stem from lived reality as well as it may be a fiction woven by the writer to add more suspense and excitement that attracts the reader and triggers his curiosity.
The history of writing has passed through many eras and contributed to the knowledge, education and psychological restoration of subsequent generations, but there is a big difference between the writings of yesterday and today, and I think that this is something that no one can argue about.
In our time, writing or literature as a whole, has become a kind of trade, or in other words, the first writer's concern is no longer providing content that contributes to educating future generations as much as it is a way to achieve money and fame through a fantasy content without taking the quality into consideration . There are many examples in our current time, such as a series of fictional books that have nothing to do with reality, they are just fantasy novels, It may grasp our interest in some way , yes, but it does not enrich our culture neither teach us new thoughts or experiences , as the books of the gold old ages did.
Well, I do not underestimate the importance of those books, but I just wanted to highlight the difference between the thought of the past and the present, between the passion for writing stemming from love and passion and the writing for the sake of materialism, I mean a creative writing inspired from the love of money and fame instead of the love of literature art .
However, I admit that I read those books that arouse my curiosity and raise my adrenaline, horror books and thrillers that draws me into a magic world , but, in return I read the beautiful classic literature that sharpens my thinking and gives me a deep richness which makes me look for change and strive under the darkest conditions and hardships that most famous writers of classic literature had experienced. An amazing example of creativity that inspires most of the writers nowadays.
I just wanted with these lines to highlight the beautiful classic literature and to show, in a small way, the comparison between yesterday's books and today's books, between the old school inspiration and the modern one, between the writer's passion and vision of the ancient authors and the contemporary ones , leading me to my headache's question : which is the real convenient writing?!! is it that inspired by money and fame, or the one inspired by love, culture and thought?!!
I think that it is possible to combine the two if the owner of the pen possesses the genius of Dostoïvski and the luxury of Paulo Coelho. It would be a great chef-d'œuvre , knowing that we have undoubtedly, fantastic chef-d'œuvre in literature either in past decades or in the present time.
Literature is a noble art that had undergone lots of changes and was impacted by different circumstances through ages beginning from medieval age until nowadays, maybe fertility was a kind of ingredient that widely characterized most ancient writers and generates productivity.
The circumstances may change, the progress and modern life may influence lives, and the quality content may be decreased but we still witness an amazing outcome from many great authors, for inspiration never ends whatever the change imposes and whatever technology increases.
Minds and wits remain the same, still got the same mechanisms, maybe confused or muddled by progressive surroundings , but never dries of ideas and thoughts. I learned through reading, that each author has his own source of inspiration, sometimes awkward or strange, but it still remains a source of inspiration.
The great proof for all stated above is that we, the ambassadors of publish0x, are striving to write quality contents, some do it purely for money, others do it for the love of writing and maybe some do it by passion and money. In any way, writing remains a skill, or a talent that expresses our thoughts and objectives whatever the goal is, hobby or profession, whatever our inspiration might be, the main thing is to generate a brilliant efficient content.