We come to the Earthly realm blank-slated, thinking we’re tiny little humans playing a stupid game where another species is pulling the strings from another dimensional plain. Nothing could be further from the truth once you uncover the false and erroneous program desperately negotiating with you to become a food source.
You trained for billions of years to be on this battlefield. Now you finally got your ticket to this beautiful turquoise planet. What are you going to do with it?
When you see, you can’t un-see.
When you know, you can’t un-know.
When you remember, you can’t un-remember.
Awaken Your Inner Technology (Original Poetry)
Forty-nine days after conception
you decided to descend,
materialize, pick a human avatar
and play this Earthly game of perception.
A sweet bargain, you thought
as you laid down your story of perfection
free will and a roller coaster for the senses
Can your pineal gland handle the great deception?
You open the door and think you have a choice
turn left and let logic guide your path
turn right and let your creative juices take a bath
we both know that balance will pick you up
at the intersection you included in your draft.
Life is a miraculous adventure
full of surprises and splendor
Will you enjoy the experience,
surrender, wake up, and remember?
They will sell you chips,
computers, and all kinds of scripts
misleading you into thinking you’re primitive,
an aimless human avatar
who needs an artificial savior from afar.
A ridiculous charade put up by energy vampires,
low-frequency entities and parasites dancing on the sidelines
tricking beautiful souls into leaving their timelines
to fulfill an agenda happening in plain sight.
You are the most powerful biological computer
malleable, flexible, and magnificent in nature.
You are supersonic, a galactic giant with incredible gifts
unlimited capabilities, and the most sophisticated technology that exists.
💎💎💎 Krisz Rokk 💎💎💎
Images: AI-generated images by Daniela S. aka @wayofaiki via Midjourney
Originally published on the Hive blockchain at @KriszRokk
NEW: Paperback version available as of August 1, 2024
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