Help! How to Withdraw Ampleforth $AMPL or Ethereum $ETH Tokens from Publish0x?

By stbrians | PublishOx insights | 8 Dec 2022

Perhaps this may be the most important aspect of our participation in PublishOx. Often after much sweat do to heavy work,  one needs to receive a reward to help them wipe out the sweat of hard work.  Publishox is no exception. 


The rules indicate that one can withdraw the earnings once they reach 5 dollars in either Ethereum or Ampleforth token.  Further it states one can withdraw in metamask, Trustwallet or Mycrypto. 

We send ETH and / or AMPL to the Ethereum ERC-20 network only, by using smart contracts.


In Kucoin,  however,  one can withdraw as little as $0.5. Withdrawals are made on Sunday and payment is effected on a Thursday.  This is quite some beautiful arrangement. 


Withdrawal process: 1. Request a withdrawal from this page (the one you are on right now). 2. Read info below on when payouts are sent. 3. Your request will be checked. 4. Once the crypto is sent to you, you will get a new email notifying you of this.

Next Payout Date for ETH and AMPL withdrawals to KuCoin: Funds are sent every Monday, and will be in your account on or before Thursday.

Quoted text. 


I made my first withdrawal on 28th day of November 2022. The withdrawal was confirmed on 1st day of December 2022. However,  upto the present payment has not been confirmed. 




I withdrew the Ethereum and Ampleforth to Kukoin respectively.  In Pubkishox,  one cannot make another withdrawal unless the pending amount is cleared. 



It is not that it is much or that I have much to withdraw,  no,  I just want to prove payment in this new site am a member. If there may be an error I might have made,  let me know and rectify it. 

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stbrians Verified Member

Am in the world yet am not of this world.

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