Publish0x Press Releases
Publish0x Press Releases

Publish0x Press Releases

Sponsored Crypto and Blockchain Press Releases Published by the official account. To publish a press release, contact [email protected]

ANOMUS Private Round Closes With Uber-Subscribed Sales

22 Nov 2021 1 minute read 0 comments Publish0x PRs

IDO Will Follow On November 26th Anomus has been a well-anticipated project that has gained much attention over the last few months. Today Anomus is announcing the closure of its private sale round with a very successful and promising oversubscriptio...

How Does Hoo Smart Chain Promote the Implementation of Metaverse Concept

19 Nov 2021 3 minute read 1 comment Publish0x PRs

Since Facebook renamed itself to Meta and headed towards the metaverse, the fever of the metaverse has reached a new high. The soaring data for the term "Metaverse" in Google Trends shows that this keyword is currently a hot topic all over the world....

NFTcraft Overview: The NFT Game With Sustainable Business-Model

19 Nov 2021 2 minute read 2 comments Publish0x PRs

There are so many different games with NFT besides Axie. You can choose any gameplay to join the NFT economy: strategies, RPGs, arcades, simulators, and so on. But let's dig deeper. What is exactly behind all these types of games launched on blockcha...

3WM, the ecosystem that rewards you for your ecological actions.

17 Nov 2021 3 minute read 3 comments Publish0x PRs

While humans consume massively well beyond their needs, our planet is trying to survive. Extreme temperatures, melting ice, rising sea levels, disappearance of species, pandemics, so many phenomena that make it impossible to deny climate change and t...

ODIN Boards Cardano & Cooperates With OKEx

17 Nov 2021 1 minute read 5 comments Publish0x PRs

Odin is a platform with a variety of features that will appeal to a wide range of traders. New traders will enjoy learning and acquiring expertise from more experienced traders; algorithmic traders will have a chance to host their bots that are easy...

Spantale, the digital sports sponsorship platform of Olympic Champion Amaury Leveaux raised $600,000 in less than 18 hours!

16 Nov 2021 1 minute read 1 comment Publish0x PRs

On October 26, Spantale, the Blockchain-based sports sponsorship platform of Olympic Champion Amaury Leveaux launched the flash sale of its AEL token. Its goal was to raise $600,000 in 48 hours. With a closing in less than 18 hours, it seems that the...

The Cyber Zombie Society NFT project that launches soon is giving away Rolex watches to one of their holders!

15 Nov 2021 1 minute read 3 comments Publish0x PRs

NFT (non-fungible-tokens) are becoming a huge thing lately! Many people got very successful with purchasing different NFTs and now, there is another amazing project (NFT collection) to be launched on November 20, 5PM UTC, that you don’t want to miss....

Odin Platform opens a gateway to Cardano & Solana

11 Nov 2021 1 minute read 2 comments Publish0x PRs

Odin is a very promising project with a development team that is working hard into providing the users with a plethora of features, capabilities, and tech. Today, Odin has expanded its blockchain from using just Solana into incorporating Cardano as w...

ANOMUS: Reshaping Journalistic Norms

10 Nov 2021 2 minute read 3 comments Publish0x PRs

The Future of Free Speech Is Here The history of free speech is long and tumultuous, spanning millennia and every corner of the world. The current state of free speech is constantly changing as technology progresses, new laws are passed, and social n...

Anomus Brings Blockchain VC’s To Fight Corruption

9 Nov 2021 3 minute read 3 comments Publish0x PRs

Anomus is a platform that is dedicated to exposing the terminal rot that has infested mainstream media channels.  The team behind it and the venture capitalist invested in the project are true believers in providing the world with community-verifiabl...