Run and Earn: Meet the Most Promising P2E Release of the Season


[Dubai, 21st of June] — Metarun, the world’s first F2P P2E endless mobile runner game, is set to launch closed Beta on the 28th of June and is estimated to be up to $18 earnings per hour during the limited period. After releasing its official game trailer, Metarun also revealed its Q3 roadmap, including  limited NFTs whitelisting events and other perks for the community.

Built on Unreal Engine 5, Metarun’s HQ graphics and thrilling storyline bring together the best of the traditional gaming experience and blend it seamlessly with state-of-the-art crypto technology. Set in a time bubble, Metarun’s characters find themselves in the same loop of time that runs again and again. The game mechanics also involve overcoming obstacles and gathering coins, which supports the idea of Run-to-Earn. 

The game's internal economic system runs on its native token $MRUN and the virtual currency OPAL and allows users to play and earn, purchase in-game items and characters skins as NFTs via the native cross-chain marketplace.


Metarun has 45 unique characters that each have upgradable NFT skins, which differ in prices and ROI players will get. Initial Metarun closed Beta will see 3 characters made available with the release with more to be added soon. Moreover, over the period of closed Beta, testers will get higher ROI — up to $18 per hour — from their characters. To become one of the 550 testers and get other perks, potential participants should be part of the Metarun community on Discord.




This launch comes after the team behind the game developed its first iteration, following a $4 million private funding round led by industry leaders such as Genblock capital, InnMind Capital, Moonrock Capital, Magnus, AU21, X21, Oddiyana Ventures, and more. 


About Metarun

First P2E endless mobile runner game with NFT assets. Built on UE5, empowered by the BNB chain

Built on Unreal Engine 5, Metarun’s stunning graphics and storyline bring together the best of the traditional gaming experience and blend it seamlessly with state-of-the-art crypto technology. The game's internal economic system runs on its native token $MRUN and the virtual currency OPAL and allows users to play to earn, and purchase in-game items and characters skins as NFTs via the native cross-chain marketplace.

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