DUGLS improves the real estate market for everyone involved, but how?

The DUGLS.com Global Real Estate Marketplace is powered by the  DUGLS token. It enables everyone to buy any property anywhere with any type of currency — crypto or fiat.  http://dugls.io/

DeFi now gives you the opportunity to buy or rent an apartment, invest in a rental property or launch a real estate business, such as flipping properties, or build a short-term rental pool anywhere in the world through DUGLS. 

DUGLS platform enables you to couple your real estate goals with the DUSD inflation-resistant stable coin to act as a store of value and empower you to build your own Real Estate dynasty. 


Problems in Real estate:

Not all aspects of the real estate industry are antiquated. However, it is fragmented into an online search, manual transactions and no provisions for management. You can search through traditional real estate home search engines by size, price, bedroom count, bathroom count, age, and other factors while many critical metrics are missed. 

In the absence of facts and details, buyers and brokers alike find themselves spending additional money after purchase, or overwhelmed with hidden costs. Globally, real estate industry issues have plagued the sector for many years, with no apparent solution until DUGLS.

Currently, the industry lacks an efficient means to use artificial intelligence to connect data for good decisions by transacting parties, blockchain for transparency, and an end-to-end solution for the home buyer/renter to search-transact-manage properties.


Improvements by DUGLS:

DUGLS platform provides significant real estate stats and metrics that help buyers and certainly investors to sort through a number of properties that most appropriately meet their buying/renting/investment criteria. Our network provides users with not just the basic real estate matrices but also with fiscal details such as % under DUGLS value, price to Rent/M2, NOI (Net Operating Income) and others. 

The DUGLS model uses neural networks, a type of Artificial Intelligence, to create sophisticated algorithmic models for predicting sale and rental prices.

We at DUGLS are maximizing tools that empower you to succeed in real estate globally by utilizing blockchain’s decentralized ledger technology to record transactions in preparation for all titles to be written to the blockchain.

DUGLS has streamlined the offer process, preparing an offer tool that allows users to set offer prices, and payment terms in crypto or fiat currency, organize a home inspection, organize finance, receive insurance quotes as well as negotiate with the seller without picking up the phone. Payment can be made for all services with DUGLS Token which will receive a meaningful discount over other methods of payment. 

DUGLS continues to keep the user engaged after the sale with next-level management tools for a homeowner or for dozens of investment units. On the tool, simple processes such as finding help to cut grass, landscape, clean, or service pools all can be quickly RFQed to dozens of suppliers for quotes. The best quote can be selected and money escrowed to assure proper service. The same is possible for emergency repairs. All of these services can be paid for with crypto or fiat. All receive a meaningful discount when using the DUGLS coin.

With DUGLS, virtually all friction and inefficiencies in the real estate industry will be eliminated.

  • ANY buyer: There are no buyer limitations that need to be cleared before buying a property.
  • ANY property: You can buy any property that you wish to buy whether residential, commercial or agricultural.
  • ANYwhere: Property ownership could not be simplified more as you will be able to own land/buildings anywhere in the world and have baked-in tools to manage it.
  • ANY currency: You can pay for the property you buy in any currency including fiat or cryptos.

We actively provide our project updates on our social media. Follow us for daily informative posts:


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DuglsCoin/ 

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dugls2022 

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/dugls-coin/about/ 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/duglscoin/ 

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/DUGLScoin 


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