The growth of Ethicoins: From the ICO to the collaborations

By MikeZillo | Project I Support | 21 Apr 2022

Hello everyone! So, here we are!

We hope you are well and safe.... As are we, thankfully!

Actually, it's time to talk about our work, right?

So, as you could also check on our institutional website, we are still in the ICO campaign.

How is that going?

Well, let's just say that we are very proud of our work, as to date we have raised almost 1 million Euros from our collaboration with selected private Advisors, but above all we have defined the collaboration agreement with the Art&Luxury Fund, with a capital of 92 million Euros.


We could also be proud of another LOI with a fund based in New York, with a formal meeting with the partners on May 20, 2022.

Right now we are halfway through the first round, with a very interesting bonus: we are talking about 50% bonus provided directly by the Smart Contract itself, so there are no investments or diversification levers on other sectors, but the amount guaranteed by the cycle itself configured a priori, so only until the end of this round.

Sounds good doesn't it? Not yet?

The majority of the purchases happened using USDT, the minors in crypto in Bitcoin and Etheurem respectively, but also credit cards and the PayPal system.

But now, we have a question for you.


If you are a cryptocurrency user, with a bonus like this, why don't you take part in this ethical campaign?

Please don't tell us that it's a good project, or even that there isn't such a big bonus? Come on, we are talking about the 50% bonus... without considering the market trend since we start from only 0.10 € of unit value!

And we all know what the worthy cryptocurrencies have done, the innovative ones that give a real and tangible value to the market itself, as well as giving a certain use and supported by a real and constantly growing community.


In addition to this, we offer, only to the crypto user, an online training course all free of charge.

Yes, my friends, you read Mauro right.

We offer an online training course all for free!!!

Isn't that enough already?

The free trainings, based on the Ecs Academy, were held in three different webinars, the first one on March 4, with 42 participants, the second one on March 18, with 93 participants and the last one on April 8 with 162 participants!!!!

On the last date, 39 participants had already attended the course, but decided to be present one more time just to better absorb the knowledge.

To better explain what kind of online platform is the best, based on your personal use, from your first step with your personal profile to your first e-commerce purchase, you need to attend the course.

We also gave out a €5 bonus to show how the accreditation and then payment phase works.

Now the lifeline consists of 2,194 members, who form the basis of the community, which is necessary to ensure an efficient exchange as soon as they are listed but also to increase their value. The arrangements are that we will initially be credited on LaToken, PtoPBtoB and Bitglobal, but at the end of the ICO campaign, we will land directly from Binance!!!

Sounds good, not yet?

But now, we want to talk about the deals: we finally made one with Ledger to brand as many as 2500 Nano Ledgers with our branding, which they will send themselves to each lifeline member for personal cryptocurrency storage. 

Great gadget, what do you think?


In this time of chaos, let's never forget about charity. So, let's talk about it. Let's give again to charity and assistance in Ukraine. To date, twelve shipments have been made:

- Six included food deliveries,

- four included medical deliveries,

- two included toys and diapers for all ages.

It's been a tough word, but we're always on the front lines when there's a tragedy like war.

So, it's time to talk about the Foundation: it will soon be online for everyone to use, with the goal of raising as much as we can to help Ukraine. It could be very simple to collect donations for the Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem, also known as the Order of the Knights of Malta, and to make transparent how the funds collected will be used from time to time.

We have selected the top twenty-one projects for the charity:

- Seven for humanity

- Nine for the planet

- Five for the animal kingdom

But that's not enough, we're still looking for many more good projects from honest non-profits, not least because only halfway through phase 1 we've raised enough to be able to finish 18 projects out of the 21 already in the planning stage.

If you want to help, write to us soon!!!

As for the ECS Academy, as we showed you before, it's already up and running, just for the people most in need.

It will soon be available for everyone, as shown in the road map.

And now, we are close to the end, so maybe it is the right time to talk about.... Tesla!

 It is defined the giveaway as you have known in preview, you followers of Ethicoins!!!

Starting May 2, each week we'll be giving away just one giveaway per day, four days out of seven, to get points and actually win!

What you win we think you'll remember.... Well, the ultimate prize is ....


A Tesla Model S!!!

Ethicoins you can see on the official rules written and approved by Ethicoins.

So... what did you expect? Are you still waiting... What????

Come on, go to our official website and join the Ethicoins community!!!


Come in and be part of this ethical world!


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MikeZillo Verified Member

Daily Trader, Mining Farm Project Manager, Blockchain consultant, Cryptocurrency evangelist. You can find more videos here Telegram: @mikezillo

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