global warming

Who and why is destroying the Earth's climate? Why do states need this?

Publication in Russian

Climate change is caused by human activity, this is probably one of the most well-known facts, confirmed by numerous scientific studies. Natural climate change, which should have been gradual, plunges the world's ecosystems into a "shock" state. And the broken biocenoses, "mastered" by man, are simply unable to adapt to the changes.

Meanwhile, the states of all countries of the world have arranged a race for two things:

A) Who will tax people for "air" faster in the conditions of climate change. Simply put: how to make a huge amount of money from this faster. That's why they are pushing through the "carbon" tax and "green credits".

B) Who will develop climate engineering faster and be able to control the weather. Everyone understands perfectly well that whoever controls the "rain" over their territory not only ensures a healthy economy for themselves, but can also dictate their terms to their neighbors.

A simple example. In conditions of climate anomalies, there is an uneven distribution of moisture! Ancient forests that provide biotic regulation of climate are practically cut down (destroyed). Moisture simply stops flowing deep into the continent, stops filling the rivers. Due to climate change, abnormal heat is observed in parallel, which leads to drought and crop failure.

The forest dries up. Large-scale forest fires begin and intensify!

And in these conditions, states begin to use geoengineering to "pour rain" over themselves. The race for the right to artificially regulate the climate begins! Let's say China has already publicly announced that in the coming years it will completely take artificial control of the climate over its territory.

Similar things are happening all over the world. Sheikhs in the UAE "cause rain", and recently in our country they were (and continue to) calling for rain to extinguish forest fires.

And if rain was poured artificially somewhere, it means that the moisture did not reach somewhere. Somewhere climate anomalies will increase, human activity in attempts to "curb the climate" leads to irreparable consequences.

I want to prove this with real scientific data. On June 21, 2024, a new study by American scientists was published in the international journal "Nature Climate Change" about the destructive consequences of artificial climate regulation.

There is a separate direction in geoengineering, it is called "sea cloud brightening". This method is now actively used in many countries around the world. Perhaps you have heard of it, they often say "sea cloud seeding".

With the help of this method, countries are trying to control solar radiation to make clouds brighter! In this way, a small part of the incoming sunlight is reflected back into space. They say that this is how scientists are trying to reduce the anthropogenic impact on the climate! Allegedly, there will be fewer climate cataclysms due to human activity.

Special aerosols are sent into the air, which, when mixed with clouds, increase the amount of sunlight. And this allegedly reduces global warming.

Authorities around the world are spending colossal amounts of money on these actions!

Large-scale cloud brightening is taking place in California in the western United States. Scientists conducted their research there! It turned out that attempts to reduce the temperature in California led to a side effect - an increase in abnormal heat in Europe.

"Our study shows that marine cloud brightening could be very effective for the US West Coast if done now, but could cause long periods of dry, hot weather in Europe in the future," said study co-author Jessica Wang.

That's it! That is, now we will do "good", but then it will be "much worse".

Scientists used computer modeling, which accurately showed that the short-term effect of "cloud brightening" will of course give. But in the future, this will lead to increased climate change! Heat waves will roll in more and more.

Changing of the climate

It turns out that since 2010, states have been “brightening the clouds” by INTENSIFYING FUTURE CLIMATE CATACLYSMS. Interestingly, in their study, scientists emphasized the lack of any regulation of the use of geoengineering. They note that states and large companies do not care whether the lives of people in another part of the planet will deteriorate or not.

And why? When budget money can be written off for these tasks here and now! To create a momentary visible effect of positive changes. And catastrophes in 10-20 years will justify the need for new intervention in the climatic rhythms of the planet.

Simply put: states and TNCs are not worried about the fact that in the future, crops will burn out from the incessant drought. They are now thinking about how to monopolize and take control of this, in order to raise another billion dollars in the future on an artificially created deficit.

The race for who will take the lead in climate control is fierce. China is installing powerful installations to "warm the atmosphere", in Australia the authorities have been "brightening the sea clouds" for at least four years in a row in an attempt to cool the Great Barrier Reef. In the USA they are using various geoengineering technologies, in Europe they are also actively "pour[ing] rain". In the UAE this year, as I have already written about earlier, the deserts have turned into a solid sea: colossal floods in their epicness.

The most important thing is that it is now impossible to distinguish anomalies caused by natural climate changes (accelerated by human activity) from anomalies provoked by attempts by states to stop cataclysms.

Will anyone be able to consciously stop now? When there is fierce competition for climate technologies and weapons?

Today, country "A" refused to control the climate so as not to destroy it completely. But countries "B-C-E" continue to do this, greedily rubbing their hands, dreaming of unlimited power! In a few years, they will deprive country "A" of moisture, simply not allowing precipitation to reach it, spilling somewhere along the way. In country "A", hunger will begin due to drought, the water level in the rivers will drop, there will be devastating forest fires and death of the population.

Ultimately, country "A" will be completely dependent on everyone else, just to survive. To exist.

Therefore, I do not see any real opportunities to stop interference in the climate! When China publicly declares that in a few years it will regulate the entire climate above its country completely artificially, the authorities of the Celestial Empire are perfectly aware of the consequences for neighboring countries.

In fact, this is not a race at all. This is collective suicide! People are trying to deliberately destroy the natural regulation of the climate on the planet in order to take technocontrol over the very existence of all Life on Earth.

© Researcher PAVEL PASHKOV

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Time to unite the strong!

Changing of the climate


Pashkov Pavel Alekseevich.

A well-known researcher, writer, traveler. Advocates for forests and ecology, head of All-Russian public projects. Author of men's fiction and research books, which were published as part of public activities. Born and raised in Russia. Western Siberia, Altai Territory.

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Publication in Russian

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