Painting "2222" (Stability)

Painting "2222" (Stability)
The main feature of the Russian state - stability - was taken for the idea. In life, in principle, there is no point of stability. If something does not develop, it will certainly collapse, sinking lower and lower until it reaches the very bottom. Everything is stable only with the dead. Anything permanent is always suspect.

Canvas on stretcher, oil, matt varnish 30×40




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Ship Shard
Ship Shard

Professional videoproduction CMCproduction & SmartREC CMCproduction - full cycle video production SmartREC - the first mobile video production in St. Petersburg https://www.instagram.com/mikhail_smirnov_/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0gtkwlw0YvFSodQ

professional videoproduction
professional videoproduction

Professional videoproduction CMCproduction & SmartREC. CMCproduction - full cycle video production. SmartREC - the first mobile video production in St. Petersburg. https://www.instagram.com/mikhail_smirnov_/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0gtkwlw0YvFSodQ6wOOyOw https://shipshard.blogspot.com https://www.youtube.com/c/ViolettaWennman All Links https://shipshard.taplink.ws

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