By RT618 | Probabilities Technician | 12 Oct 2020

Downtrend signs of exhaustion, I did wait on xing of 9 and 26 ma's to alert possible trend change.

The 9 and 26 are the same as Ichimoku Conversion and Base line but they draw smoother, just a preference I sometimes use.

At time of post this trade in a 10-15 pip draw down.

With this pair AUDCAD using same strategy is 5 wins in five weeks 0 losses




Bell symbols are marking where Ichimoku base and conn line have crossed.

Enough time has passed to draw a trending channel.

Still early in this possible trend change and we want to see the new channel respected to validate the long entry.

This is Monday no high impact events are scheduled until Wednesday 

17:30   AUD   Employment Change (Sep)   -35.0K 111.0K  


As before initially setting target and stop way out at 50 pips.
Will use Histogram alerts on the MACD to determine target and stop adjustments.

Time to be patient and go about my day.

Trading is very risky,
use your own judgment
and have a have a great day friends...



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Probabilities Technician
Probabilities Technician

Using simplified easy to view trading strategies to find actionable trades. Trading is very risky, use your own judgment and have a great day friends...

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