Lively Up Yourself

By Flow of Golden Eon | Press Post | 12 Sep 2021

It was an unusual early spring day. I say unusual because where we are located the start of spring hasn’t got a definitive start month/s. Nor does any other of the seasons. We are in the south of eastern Australia. That bit on the map that looks like you can cup it in your hands like you would a cup of tea. Which is what the people here do. The weather patterns are bizarre. It would be in the middle of winter, cold of course but yet the sun burns as it blazes down on you. Or it is the middle of summer, but out of nowhere, strong southerly winds from the Arctic seas pass by. Brrrrr, where’ my warm cup of tea.

The unusual thing about that day in early spring was, the air was so dry. It felt like instead of being in suburbia, we were in the great Australian outback, where the ground is red and about 400 million fly buzzing around you. The children were in shock. Just days before, they were in full winter gear. They have spent the last five years in the sub tropics of eastern Australia, the weather temperate. They have gotten used to that kind of climate.

With their faces red and their hair all tangled in sweat, they hover around me wandering what game to play. Something not so strenuous where they would feel more hotter.

The 10 year old wilding finally spots the guitar in the corner of the room. Then the Bob Marley chord book. And that’s how we spent the rest of the day. Learning how to read guitar chords, strumming and singing. All that uncomfortable feeling from the day’s heat harnessed and transmuted into passion for learning how to play the guitar. And that’s how we homeschoolers spend our days. We flow with ease, learning happens naturally, anytime, anywhere, every time and everywhere.

Engage with us! If anyone out there homeschool, let us exchange tips and resources!


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Flow of Golden Eon
Flow of Golden Eon

Embodying the elements of the natural environment; in full awareness of multiple dimensions and using these as guides to parenthood and beyond. My aim is to nurture and nourish my children in all aspects of self; to cultivate emotionally content children

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I made it! Here I am on Ox-land...ready to publish. So who will be my Ox followers? Who will loyally read my musings, my reflections on life in general... who will give support and exchange tips on the trials and tribulations of mamahood? In return I will follow Ox'ians that motivate me, make me laugh quietly as I read through your blogs late in the eve as my wildings are starting to drift off to sleep, or even make me laugh out loud at your posts as I share your humorous vibe with my household....

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