Chess and Olives

By Flow of Golden Eon | Press Post | 30 Oct 2021


It seems like at times I get too carried away with my posts, my passion for creative writing takes over so this is a simple post I’m putting up about my children’s newly learned skill of playing chess.

One of their uncles taught them how to play chess and they have been hooked on it since. Everyday on the dining table, the chess board sits. When they are snacking, the chess board is out. They even turn the chess pieces as characters for their make believe games. In this photo as you see, they are about to start a game. But first, must snack on some organic olives from the farmers market.


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Flow of Golden Eon
Flow of Golden Eon

Embodying the elements of the natural environment; in full awareness of multiple dimensions and using these as guides to parenthood and beyond. My aim is to nurture and nourish my children in all aspects of self; to cultivate emotionally content children

Press Post
Press Post

I made it! Here I am on Ox-land...ready to publish. So who will be my Ox followers? Who will loyally read my musings, my reflections on life in general... who will give support and exchange tips on the trials and tribulations of mamahood? In return I will follow Ox'ians that motivate me, make me laugh quietly as I read through your blogs late in the eve as my wildings are starting to drift off to sleep, or even make me laugh out loud at your posts as I share your humorous vibe with my household....

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